Major Contributor
With headphones, we should also be talking about resonances/ringing in the cup. One of the members here measures headphones and provides on his web site CSD waterfall plots with a 5ms window. Here, FR and CSD are closer in most of the plots, as expected with a shorter time window, but still don't always move together in lock step as you imply. Some do, some do not. For example, the Dan Clark Aeon Closed:We are talking about the driver.
You are talking about your room.
ÆON Closed
back to MrSpeakers back to measurements home Published: Nov-2-2017 NO SMOOTHING is applied to the shown plots. Most measurement sites have some smoothing applied which ‘irons flat’ sharp peaks and …
Here's a better example: the Pioneer SE-300 has a big CSD ringing spike at 6k but FR through that region is flat.
back to Pioneer back to measurements home published: Aug-25-2018 NO SMOOTHING is applied to the shown plots. Most measurement sites have some smoothing applied which ‘irons flat’ sharp peaks and ‘w…
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