I received a pair over the weekend and I'll be returning them this week. I'll explain, I use HD800s with EQ and whilst the NX (certainly straight out of the box) sound good, they can't hold a candle to the Sennheiser. This may not be a fair comparison, but the HD800s can be bought for not much more than the NX, so maybe in reality it is. Without EQ the Sennheiser isn't great for me, but with it, everything falls into place and perhaps what I'd hoped for from a new closed back can wasn't going to be realistic. The resolution, separation, staging is not there and the treble in the NX is a little hot also. I also found the ear pads a little uncomfortable on my lower jaw.
In addition I really don't like the micro phonics, some from the cable, lots (more of a ringing noise) from the metal headband and as I listen quite a lot lying down, any small movement casing contact is very distracting. To a lesser extent, I don't like the case which means storing the cable separately and connecting it each time I use them - it's a small thing, but it would bug me.
Driving them from my DACS Purity amp was easy enough (same volume on the pot as the HD800s) but using the 4.4 connection on my Fiio FA2 from my iphone caused sound to cut out on the top 2 volume settings (this dongle drives the HD800s ok without issues.
The NX is a nice bit of kit and well made, but not a keeper for me on the above basis unfortunately, I'll keep looking for a closed back to complement my Sennheisers, I was interested in the Stealth originally, but the price was prohibitive, so was hopeful with these, but it's not meant to be this time.