Decided to register, so I can comment this. I actually realized that my first measurements (added to AutoEQ) had a bit too much upper mids, as E3 is quite sensitive on how high it is placed while wearing or measuring it. When ears are near the bottom of the earpad, the 2-4 kHz range quite well matches what I hear (a bit too aggressive vocals). On the other hand, when moving the headphones a bit lower they become more balanced, which is most likely preferable based on the FR.
On my rig the headphones sit a bit too high when just placing them without paying attention to ear location inside the pad (this is how I did the first time). Thus, I measured my E3 again with more realistic positioning:
https://kuulokenurkka.squig.link/?share=Harman_2018_Target,E3_**,Stealth_** (you can download the FR-file from Squiglink to upload it to AutoEQ, if you want to try it)
View attachment 368336
I would call my rig (the most accurate chinese clone parts) pretty accurate for ~800 € I paid for it, as I just write headphone reviews with my native language (Finnish) as a hobby.
View attachment 368342