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Dan Clark E3 Headphone Review

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  • 1. Poor (headless panther)

    Votes: 4 1.6%
  • 2. Not terrible (postman panther)

    Votes: 11 4.3%
  • 3. Fine (happy panther)

    Votes: 38 14.8%
  • 4. Great (golfing panther)

    Votes: 203 79.3%

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Does the port improve ventilation? How hot the ears get with these? Honeycomb pattern on the cups is just for visuals?
Yes, it is just visuals. The two holes are for bass tuning. What air it lets in, I don't know. It is cooler here now so I can't evaluate how hot they wear.
The distortion levels in the bass look very similar to those in the Stealth, and especially given that you're already at Harman levels of bass then it's unlikely that you'll need to use much EQ to boost the bass, which means you'll probably be operating at the 94dB blue line or below in the following graphs (which is totally fine), so yes very similar bass distortion between the two headphones:


I like the look of the frequency response in the E3, and its uses the same "metamaterial system" (according to DCA website) that the Stealth uses to help tune the frequency response. I really like the fact that it is a smooth frequency response which is often hard to achieve with planars - it's only really DCA planars that seem to not have this "fine grass" high Q sharp variation in frequency response, instead the DCA planars exhibit this smooth frequency response that is normally the characteristic of dynamic driver headphones. In my opinion this smoothness of frequency response (lack of "fine grass") is beneficial for sound quality. The fact that the E3 is more affordable than the Stealth is a major bonus, and it's good to see. I'm probably not about to drop $1900 on headphones, but I'd like to see some more trickle down into more affordable models - just like has already happened from Stealth down to E3.

Nice headphones, I do really like what DCA are doing, I hold them in high esteem even though I don't own any of their headphones yet! (Did nearly buy the Drop DCA Open X for $399 during Black Friday though! (importing to UK re VAT and exchange rate tipped me the other way though, combined with pad replacement cost/process which would be an ongoing occurrence through the life of the headphone))
Nice comparison, thanks! The distortion plot for the Stealth beyond 200 Hz is a thing of beauty, but that for the E3 isn't bad at all - and at that level, does it matter (is it really audible)?
Guess im selling my collection for these, that graph is a thing of beauty.
Does the port improve ventilation? How hot the ears get with these? Honeycomb pattern on the cups is just for visuals?
Port has no effect on ventilation but the top surface of the pads is synthetic suede, which tends to feel cool and dry vs leather or pleather...

The honeycomb is purely visuals, we wanted to create the look of a grill on an "open" headphone because of how open the staging is on these.

Just when i thought i was out, Dan pulls me back in. Thanks
Our bad. :)
However, those caps are ugly AF, lucky enough being so flat they can be wrapped in vinyl.
Port has no effect on ventilation but the top surface of the pads is synthetic suede, which tends to feel cool and dry vs leather or pleather...

The honeycomb is purely visuals, we wanted to create the look of a grill on an "open" headphone because of how open the staging is on these.

Our bad. :)

Hi Dan, hope you don't mind me asking a few questions: Firstly, why the name E3? I had a quick scan of the site but couldn't see anything explaining it in the promo material. Secondly is it fair to assume an open version will follow in due course, similar to the Stealth > Expanse? And finally is there a particular reason for the glass beyond aesthetics/premium feel? I realise it is Gorilla but it still seems like an unusual choice to me, personally I would have preferred something a bit more wear resistant and less prone to micro scratches but I realise glass does give off that premium expensive feel compared to a lot of other more wear resistant materials. Thanks a lot for your time.
Great work! Quick question tho, are the pads replaceable?

Just need to find them in Europe, I guess thomann.de will have them soon enough.
We have already shipped a large order to Germany so they should start being available next week...

Yes, pads are replaceable. We essentially use a "sticker" so they just peel off and replace.
Coming from someone who owned the OG Ether and currently owns the Ether 2, something tells me that E3 = Ether 3 :)

I have listened extensively to the Expanse and Stealth, but could never get past the price point. Definitely looking forward to giving these a listen at Can Jam next year.
Just as I realized this week that it's been 4 years since I bought the Aeon 2 Closed, and was hoping DCA would come out with the Aeon 3 with AMTS, here we are with the E3.
Yup, just ordered them.
Happy to see these come out!

I am also of a mixed opinion on the use of glass in consumer electronics, it's just too expensive/fragile/hard-to-repair I feel for things that will be moved around alot, but in a purely visual sense I can see what they were going for in terms of metaphor.

Will the open back ones just be the same thing without the glass should be the real question, and will people be able to swap between Closed/Semi-Closed/Open configurations making the E3 be Everything * 3?

@Dan Clark
The audio jacks sticking out from the bottom of the cups, is that a practical change or a just differentiation from the other models that have them embedded/streamlined within the cup?
Hi Dan, hope you don't mind me asking a few questions: Firstly, why the name E3? I had a quick scan of the site but couldn't see anything explaining it in the promo material. Secondly is it fair to assume an open version will follow in due course, similar to the Stealth > Expanse? And finally is there a particular reason for the glass beyond aesthetics/premium feel? I realise it is Gorilla but it still seems like an unusual choice to me, personally I would have preferred something a bit more wear resistant and less prone to micro scratches but I realise glass does give off that premium expensive feel compared to a lot of other more wear resistant materials. Thanks a lot for your time.

E3 was code for "third generation ETHER" because it occupies the spot in our lineup. I was considering other names, and the idea hit me that the symmetry of E3 as a logotype seemed very appealing so we dropped the ETHER and went E3.

Happy to see these come out!

@Dan Clark
The audio jacks sticking out from the bottom of the cups, is that a practical change or a just differentiation from the other models that have them embedded/streamlined within the cup?

The metal looked awkward trying to partially recess the jack so we went with this. Just flowed better with the design...
I just watched a review on these, the reviewer went all out, chord mojo and mscaler changed the amount of detail and the depth of the soundtage, then using an aftermarket cable made the separation between frequencies more precise.

I can only hope that that is an elaborate plan to rustle the jimmies of people and promote engagement through the coment section, because otherwise, my god...
I just watched a review on these, the reviewer went all out, chord mojo and mscaler changed

I can guess who that reviewer is without searching YouTube, ;)
Oh boy... I currently own the Drop Closed X (2 years now), and really love them, especially EQ'd to the Harman Curve (thanks @Robbo99999 ). The earpads are wearing out, though. Looks like these will be my next purchase in mid to late 2024. Cheers for another home run, @Dan Clark . I don't see myself switching brands, especially when you keep delivering on new designs like the E3 that measure so incredibly. I'll probably order additional earpads at the same time so I'm good for 5+ years.

Thank you for all the reviews, @amirm !
I would think if we can be patient, an open back version of the e3 will follow on, just as the Expanse was released after the Stealth. Could really be a showstopper.
Just as I realized this week that it's been 4 years since I bought the Aeon 2 Closed, and was hoping DCA would come out with the Aeon 3 with AMTS, here we are with the E3.
Yup, just ordered them.
I've had mine for about 6 months and the left channel is playing with a lower volume for some reason. Changed cable, no difference.. Sigh..
I was waiting for DCA to come out with cheaper Harman-tuned options and they're finally here!
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