I want a system which works properly without excessive dicking about.
I have generally got a system which gives me great musical enjoyment and have refined it by trial and error over the last 50 years. I haven't felt a
need to change anything for 20 years or so.
If GLM isn't good enough, nor is anything else they are doing at Genelec, from my pov, so your opinion may rule them out. I'll go and listen for myself.
I don't intend to have a computer running at all once I have got the system running.
If I need one for a system then that system is a no-no for me.
I hate and detest dicking about with hifi when I could be listening to music

I could do with re-measuring my system for films with Audyssey and have been putting it off for weeks because it doesn't sound bad enough for me to put up with the loathsome task of re-doing the measurements.
I keep looking at the kit and saying to myself "I'll do that tomorrow".