As promised, here are my thoughts on using these DRCs in a nearfield setting.
General comments
My work desk / nearfield setup is arranged around JBL LSR305 (so older MKI) powered monitors connected to RME Babyface silver edition sound card. Speakers are spread ~70cm, close to the back wall and not set symmetrically within the room (which is also untreated). At the listening spot I have a really nasty suckout of energy in the ~60-~90Hz range and a huge peak at ~125Hz.
A note on target curves - in the nearfield I find I'm OK with a relatively flat target curve with less bass boost (I measured with flat bass, but while listening I still preferred 2-3dB boost below 100Hz). This is in contrast to the typical Harmanesque target curves with ~6dB bass boost and constant downward slope I prefer in our living room (which could be considered far field with speakers at around 2,2m distance from the listening position). This I assume is because in the nearfield much more of the perceived sound energy comes from loudspeaker's on-axis radiation.
In any case, flatter target curves play nicer with most of these DRCs so I found in general that fullrange correction worked better in the nearfield for me than it did in the farfield.
Here's the regular
3-band PEQ I use normally in the soundcard's DSP (based on some old REW measurements):
View attachment 100722
Dirac Live for Studio full-range response used for the measurements:
View attachment 100719
IK Multimedia ARC System 3 full-range response used for the measurements:
View attachment 100720
Sonarworks Reference 4 Studio edition full-range response used for the measurements:
View attachment 100721
In-room measurements
View attachment 100735
Note: variable smoothing shown.
I'd say we see similar results as before - Dirac and ARC3 seem close, 3-band PEQ is not too far-off either
, and Reference4 is a bit less sharp so doesn't fully address the resonances.
View attachment 100725
This time I'm showing step response (thanks
@mitchco for the suggestion!). We see that Dirac is doing its time-domain magic here, Reference4 exhibits some pre-ringing and the rest don't seem to care much about the time-domain
Subjective thoughts and summary
The order of preference for me still hasn't changed between the three (Dirac > ARC3 > Reference4), but I noticed a few things:
- Reference 4 gave quite solid results in the nearfield - perhaps because the target curves it provides work better with on-axis / nearfield responses. Could be confirmation bias from seeing the measurements, but I thought bass wasn't as smooth as the others - all in all still very workable and much better than either 3-band PEQ or listening without correction (which many times sounds like someone blowing in a bottle really loudly )
- I thought ARC3 and Dirac full-range correction sounded nice and non destructive
- Limiting the correction of Dirac and ARC3 to below ~700Hz also sounded great, but I might even prefer the full-range correction. I'd need to do more listening to decide.
- The 3-band PEQ in comparison to all three DRCs sounds hollow - for sure more than 3 filter bands are required to get comparable results - but that is a task for another day (or another person )