Technical measurements and analysis of the Chord DAVE DAC. This is a high end DAC with some great and not so great aspects
Sows the same story so it shuld be even less of an surprise.
Whats going on? its good enough for the average Joe to sound transparent. why would they care for more?
You can't sell dacs by "sound" as they are all transparent. so you sell them by design.
Would you think this is high quality/performance phone charger?
Do you think this is competitively priced based on charging performance battery capacity and so on?
Of cause not. it's first of all cut (Kawaii) and it also charges your phone (probably ok)
Same with the this DAC. obviously first of all it looks "different" and it’s also an ok DAC.
It just has a different target market. Old slightly eccentric men with more money then brain that care about design.
The difference between men and boys is the price of their toys