Julia from CESYS just dropped me a line to introduce their new USB 3.0 Isolator.
Why the ISO-U30?
Why the ISO-U30?
- Optimal Sound Quality: Our USB 3.0 isolator ensures interference-free transmission, eliminating unwanted noise and hum.
- High Transfer Speed: Enjoy fast and reliable data transfer with USB 3.0 speeds of up to 5 Gbit/s.
- Versatility: The ISO-U30 is compatible with all USB 3.0 devices, making it suitable for various environments, from professional recording studios to home recording setups.
- Powerful: Due to its very efficient power isolation the ISO-U30 can supply up to 650 mA to connected devices without the need for external power supplies.
- Easy to Use: Plug-and-play functionality allows for quick and easy setup without complicated installations.