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Cat News?

Bear doesn't approve of harry ramsden fish and chips

You probably got him worried with the pack of catsup. He may have thought you were trying to turn him into a cannibal.
for four weeks ago I had to put my cat to rest at the vet.I still miss her.
Well, 'like' doesn't exactly express the intent here, but have one anyway; you get the point..

I've honestly been debating with myself & SO if we will still keep animals in the future. The pain gets worse everytime one dies. Especially if there's suffering before that, as is more often than not the case.

Luckily we've already found sort of an alternative for cats: after our last one died (about 20yrs old, deaf, ran over by the mailman FFS) we're now with an organization providing temporary housing for shelter cats, until they go to their new owner. They usually require some extra attention/training but having a different pair of cats every couple of months still means there's cat all the time, while letting them go hardly hurts.
Well, 'like' doesn't exactly express the intent here, but have one anyway; you get the point..

I've honestly been debating with myself & SO if we will still keep animals in the future. The pain gets worse everytime one dies. Especially if there's suffering before that, as is more often than not the case.

Luckily we've already found sort of an alternative for cats: after our last one died we're now with an organization providing temporary housing for shelter cats, until they go to their new owner. They usually require some extra attention/training but having a different pair of cats every couple of months still means there's cat all the time, while letting them go hardly hurts.
sounds like a good solution.
Well, 'like' doesn't exactly express the intent here, but have one anyway; you get the point..
I've honestly been debating with myself & SO if we will still keep animals in the future. The pain gets worse everytime one dies. Especially if there's suffering before that, as is more often than not the case.
Luckily we've already found sort of an alternative for cats: after our last one died (about 20yrs old, deaf, ran over by the mailman FFS) we're now with an organization providing temporary housing for shelter cats, until they go to their new owner. They usually require some extra attention/training but having a different pair of cats every couple of months still means there's cat all the time, while letting them go hardly hurts.

Boli is 4 years old, and I am 60. It could be a close race to the finish line, so he'll be the last pet I can responsibly take care of. They remind us of our own mortality, and their joy for life and the treasured company they provide remind us to keep those things as priorities in our own lives.

My GF's cat is getting up there in years, a beautiful salvage orange (Sancerre) that's been a staple in our lives for the last 11 years (we don't know her exact age, but she must be 17ish at least). I adore her as much as my own Boli, so dread that moment... but I just spoil her for the moment, my GF scolds me because I am a sucker for Sancerre and feed her a bit every time she commands me. :)

As for Boli, I have made sure he's taken very good care of if something happens to me.
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for four weeks ago I had to put my cat to rest at the vet.I still miss her.

I'm very sorry to hear about your loss. Yes, cats mean the world to me as well and I cherish every moment with them as if they are family.

So sorry... :-( That's so hard. All we can do is spoil them and give them love while they are around...

Indeed. Yesterday I had left the house for my three precious cats and purchased six cans in all of albacore tuna. Being an indecisive person I decided on purchasing three of each from three's company, Bumble Bee and StarrKist.
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sorry for your loss , cats mean the world
'Cats Are Liquid' is assessed scientifically. Link to paper On the Rheology of Cats (PDF)

Rheology is the study of the flow of matter, primarily in a fluid (liquid or gas) state but also as "soft solids" or solids under conditions in which they respond with plastic flow rather than deforming elastically in response to an applied force. Rheology is the branch of physics that deals with the deformation and flow of materials, both solids and liquids. (Wikipedia)





It is difficult to use traditional methods designed for inanimate objects with cats. Cats can actively change and stop their flow-rate with the use of their muscles. Pudding cannot. More research is needed, of course. ;)
Rabbit-hole, here we go.... Someone puts the above paper into layman's terms. :cool:

The Ig Nobel Prize: Why are Cats Liquid?

The original paper referenced above was actually published in Rheology Bulletin, 'The News and Information Publication of The Society of Rheology, Volume 83 Number 2 July 2014.' (PDF)

Searches do not find any follow-up studies. :cool:
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