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Cat News?

"Domestication" of cats: A reflection back from history.

"...Just last month, a study published in the research journal Science secured more pieces in the cat-domestication puzzle based on genetic analyses. All domestic cats, the authors declared, descended from a Middle Eastern wildcat, Felis sylvestris, which literally means "cat of the woods." Cats were first domesticated in the Near East, and some of the study authors speculate that the process began up to 12,000 years ago. Egyptians cats were associated with the goddess Bastet, and thus revered and immortalized in many forms of art... "

I had previously heard the following history but it seems that it is not just another urban-myth.
"...When humans were predominantly hunters, dogs were of great use, and thus were domesticated long before cats. Cats, on the other hand, only became useful to people when we began to settle down, till the earth and—crucially—store surplus crops. With grain stores came mice, and when the first wild cats wandered into town, the stage was set for what the Science study authors call "one of the more successful 'biological experiments' ever undertaken." The cats were delighted by the abundance of prey in the storehouses; people were delighted by the pest control.

"We think what happened is that the cats sort of domesticated themselves," Carlos Driscoll, one of the study authors, told the Washington Post. The cats invited themselves in, and over time, as people favored cats with more docile traits, certain cats adapted to this new environment, producing the dozens of breeds of house cats known today. In the United States, cats are the most popular house pet, with 90 million domesticated cats slinking around 34 percent of U.S. homes..."
Read more <https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/a-brief-history-of-house-cats-158390681/>
Can't train a cat?

Try harder...
That is fantastic. Talk about herding cats.
One of my cats, when younger, did the "climb all the way up to my shoulder and walk around back and forth up there whilst nuzzling" thing.
Aside from permanent scars from his super sharp claws, and shredded Tshirts, it was super fun.
He still tries it, but isn't quite as mobile, and a bit heavier, now, so it really really hurts - but still attempts it every time I come home.
Cats DO learn from one another. My feral capture has watched the 'home cat' closely and mimicked many of it's behaviors - fairly quickly, too.
But the ex-feral is more adventurous and less upset by loud noises, etc.
I picked up this lovely silver mackerel Maine Coon on Saturday. The kids (3 and 5) named him Stripey, and he comes trotting toward me when I call him. Amazing.

He will be keeping his claws. I would never declaw a cat.
Yup. I see that cute little fcuker back there plotting. Keep your eyes peeled!

My cat won't get on HiFi if I put a sheet of slightly very crinkled aluminium foil on the top. Works really well until you get a gust of wind and bits of foil get blown all over the room.
My cat won't get on HiFi if I put a sheet of slightly very crinkled aluminium foil on the top. Works really well until you get a gust of wind and bits of foil get blown all over the room.
Use double sided duct tape to glue the aluminium foil to some old magazine?
Use double sided duct tape to glue the aluminium foil to some old magazine?

Good idea. A magazine like Stereophile? It's heavy enough with ads it shouldn't get blown away by a gust of wind...
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My cat won't get on HiFi if I put a sheet of slightly very crinkled aluminium foil on the top. Works really well until you get a gust of wind and bits of foil get blown all over the room.
Ours walks right on to the foil and flops down on it. We had to come up with others ways to protect the area around the small fish tank.
My lastest feral/lost capture. Was tiny&starving, first saw 6 wks ago, set about luring to capture. Got him finally last week.
Vetted (in remarkably good shape) AOK, will fatten him up a bit and then neutering & chipping in a few weeks.
He really 'likes' people, so I suspect he's not truly feral, but abandoned or escaped but was not licensed or chipped so....
Mine Now!!! Has a cool 'wild and crazy guy' aspect that'll be interesting no doubt.
He also replaces the infamous Boo Kitty who we lost last year, and already seems to get along with (real) ex-feral Little Boy quite well, who misses cuddling with Boo. (Ex-feral cuddler? Go figure. Cats)
Still in quarantine for a bit yet, tho.
Oh, and since he's so little his 'talent' is Hiding Fast - he's really good at it, so his new name: "Ollie" (Ollie Ollie Oxen Free!)
IMG_1757c sm.jpg

My lastest feral/lost capture. Was tiny&starving, first saw 6 wks ago, set about luring to capture. Got him finally last week.

Looks like he got pretty lucky...

Good for you both.
What are you doing eating his cats food would be my question…
What? So I sneak into other cat owners homes and move cat plates around just to stir the pot. Nobody gets hurt and it just perpetuates the mysteriousness of their cats! :p

(Ya, I caught the typo too late to edit it. *sighs
Oh well. ;)
But seriously, our cats will absolutely walk away if we somehow don’t execute flawlessly on presentation. It’s like a cat plate Feng Shui or something. But then even if we get the presentation correct, we still have the roulette game of did we guess the proper flavor?
I swear they’ve left angry at us, gone out and caught a gopher just to prove a point. Like 5 minutes later they bring a gopher in and drop it on the floor with a thought bubble over their head that says something like, “Had you just given me purple instead of green this death could have been avoided! This blood is on your hands, Pinky.”
And literally, the blood is, because I have to clean it up after they are done.
:p )

My lastest feral/lost capture. Was tiny&starving, first saw 6 wks ago, set about luring to capture. Got him finally last week.
Vetted (in remarkably good shape) AOK, will fatten him up a bit and then neutering & chipping in a few weeks.
He really 'likes' people, so I suspect he's not truly feral, but abandoned or escaped but was not licensed or chipped so....
Mine Now!!! Has a cool 'wild and crazy guy' aspect that'll be interesting no doubt.
He also replaces the infamous Boo Kitty who we lost last year, and already seems to get along with (real) ex-feral Little Boy quite well, who misses cuddling with Boo. (Ex-feral cuddler? Go figure. Cats)
Still in quarantine for a bit yet, tho.
Oh, and since he's so little his 'talent' is Hiding Fast - he's really good at it, so his new name: "Ollie" (Ollie Ollie Oxen Free!)
View attachment 207543
that's a great looking little dude.. may you have a wonderful life together
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