All well and good, but if you are at risk of breaking expensive speakers (by overexerting the drivers), then you can understand that people might want to drive you away from the idea.In terms of actually why, the question of how some of the SPL available to the 8361A could be traded for greater LFE extension interests me. Perhaps I might also add that I'm someone who enjoys the process of tinkering with things to increase knowledge and understanding whilst also exploring the potential of optimising their performance (even if this results in no or minimal gain).
If you are at liberty to move the speakers and yourself (listening position) in the room, it might be an idea to take advantage of room gain to get the extra decibels/extension you are after. This would be a safe option.I did mention the benefits of a sub as well as not wanting one, but never that I wanted to turn the 8361A into a sub; rather, I wanted to explore safely trading some of its SPL for greater LFE.
To be honest and without wishing to sound rude, you haven't said why yet. What music are you listening to and would it benefit from flat response to 20hz? Maybe what you really want is louder bass somewhere around 60-120hz, especially if you don't listen to music very loud. Some music is liable to sound flat (as a pancake) if you don't add a little bass (and sometime treble) at low levels, is this what you are battling with?However, this does not necessary mean I cannot to some degree trade SPL to improve LFE in a manner that is safe and brings measurable benefits. It seems more about getting the balance right and thanks to some of the feedback here, I've more of an idea now about how to achieve this than I did before.
For most music (save organ music) there is precious little response down at 20-30hz and it is felt more than heard. You really need a lot of cone area for this region and/or a dedicated unit (subwoofer).
Maybe you could buy a subwoofer and play around with it to see if you are actually missing out on something, either a) you are missing out and you could figure a way to fit a small one into your system or b) not missing out, you return the sub and no need to mess too much with the Genelecs.