BTW to general readers: this brings us back to an unnecessary battleground in this thread: hostility towards those who interrupt the story-telling narrative with factual analysis.
Could you point out which “ storytelling” you are interrupting with “ factual analysis?”
It seems obvious DSJR wasn’t claiming that “ all vinyl sounds warm .” Rather he was. simply pointing out one way in which vinyl playback could produce what some would term a “ warm” sonic signature: such a frequency response contributed by the cartridge. A downward tilted response.
'Warmth' is a universally positive descriptor.
Is it?
Do you want “ warmth” imposed in your playback? do you think most ASR members want that and view it as a positive?
“ warmth” can simply be a subjective description of the character of sound. Sure, many may find that a positive, others may not. The use of the term does not necessarily demand, or entail, that everybody is seeking that sound.
If you think you are describing a deficiency, such as a lack of HF energy, then the descriptors need to be something like 'dullness' or 'softness' or 'unbalanced tone'.
Except that such terms may not be capturing the character of the sound in terms of our perception. First “ unbalanced tone” is too vague. Tone can be unbalanced in a variety of ways many of which would not be described as “warm.”
That one presentation may sound “warmer” then another does not necessarily entail “ sounding dull” or “soft.” A bit more downward tilt in one loudspeaker (or slight boost in the warmth region) doesn’t necessitate the perception of dull or soft sound.
There are various ways of frequency manipulation in which you can get warmer sound without being perceived in those negative terms. For one thing when we are mixing dialogue (just like music, mixers, mixing vocals), we may decide a male voice would benefit from some more “warmth” so we will boost the appropriate “warmth” region. (perhaps 150 Hz to 300 Hz, depending on the voice). This does not necessitate losing clarity or detail in the voice. Nor even necessitates sounding “unbalanced.” The same goes generally for adding “warmth” in a mix, or for that matter in a loudspeaker.
It’s possible a vinyl pressing or a cartridge or whatever my ad some sense of “warmth” somewhere that someone may find pleasing.
But if you think you are saying that vinyl is nicer sounding, say so. Don't beat around the bush.
Who is beating around the bush?
I’m not saying vinyl is “nicer sounding” in some universal sense. (And I don’t remember anybody in quite a few pages in this thread arguing that either).
So the question remains: who exactly are you speaking to? If you think someone specific is making the claims you were critiquing, why not address their post specifically so they can clarify whether your critique is accurate or not?
As for me: Do I think some vinyl is “nicer sounding” in the sense of being
preferable to me in some cases? Sure.
This is usually in the context that I can hear “nicer things about the digital” version as well as certain things I prefer about the vinyl version. And depending on the comparison, I may find that all things considered I prefer the vinyl version. (Other times the digital version.)
Am I presenting this under the pretext that I am scientifically vetting all such home comparisons? Of course not. But it’s not demanded here that every single anecdote and opinion must be accompanied with scientific rigour. If we are speaking anecdotally, we are speaking anecdotally, and it is expected anyone can take it as such. If you want to put zero credence in any such personal reports that is of course your prerogative. If somebody else is willing to accept such personal reports, with the obvious caveats, that’s their prerogative. That’s the wonderful thing about being free to think as you wish
So I’m not sure what the problem is that you are actually seeing in my position - or whomever we should take you to be addressing (?)
I truly hope you don’t greet the simple questioning of some of your premises and claims, while providing an alternative viewpoint, as “
hostile.” This is the normal stuff of discussing such issues on a forum, analyzing arguments, and exchanging opinions.