I like them because they are simple (put it in place, screw it down, play music). When I got the turntable I knew what T4P was but did not know anyone that had one. I will say that most people I knew either did not (have one [and did not want to]), none were curious enough to want to spend some bucks to check it out. Or they where like me: well, if I get a turntable that has it, I'll deal with it then.Nice feature. How is the availability of P-mount cartridges and needles these days? I used to sell Technics stuff and we ordered in the P-mounts by the hundreds at a time. The old timers liked them because their vision and eye hand coordination was not what it used to be and they wanted simple stuff.
So, it happened that the SL-M3 was the TT I wanted, the price was right (with a 2 year warranty), found at an Estate Sale in Germany). It is a dual voltage unit. But, I have had it's 43 LB.s with me in numerous places & I have, over many years only had to replace a belt to do with the linier tracking mechanism.
T4P carts: a little expensive these days, of course, once you have one, then all you need is the stylus. I have several Technics and SHURE. I am currently running a NOS SHURE ULTRA 300 that is doing quite well.
I just recently bought a Grado Gold Gold II or something like that (Grado's previous top of the line T4P). Their offerings have gone down drastically in the past couple of years. COVID was as bad if not worse for business. So not many doing T4P anymore.
If you need (or expect to) any T4P stuff, now would be the time to get it.
I suspect that in the not too near future, it will be made out of "unobtanium"!
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