Also since adding the Waxwing almost all of the audible drawbacks of listening to records have disappeared.
You know I have one of the EARLY Parks Audi Puffins. I wouldn't trade that thing for anything. A miracle in a "Stream Plunk" box. The guy
who used to run the place is/was one of the nicest people I've ever dealt with. He would definitely fit in here. For the money, it was one
of the best ideas ever.
I bought it at a great price from some guy who thought it wasn't transparent enough. LOL After I bought it, I told the guy he missed the whole
point. It was obvious to me that is exactly what it was made for.
I have more expensive phono preamps but for some reason, the "Might Puffin" can stand with some very expensive phono preamps. Sure great
for recording RtR, Cassette, CD, or memory card/stick/HD.
Another preamp that is up there for the money is a Herron VTPH-2A. The gain is set by swapping very inexpensive valves. JJ 12AX7s and
12AU7s (If my memory serves me) The loading plugs are unnecessary for 80+ % of the carts I use. Another prince of a fellow. He retired
but will pick up the phone or Email as if he were still in business. You would be hard-pressed to match the build and sound quality at 6-10k.
Mine came from Australia, it needed a voltage change.
My wife uses a Mcintosh MP200. Her record player/preamp is in the corner of the room
next to her listening room. I swapped a Russco,
plinth and a blank aluminum armboard (that I make) He paid all the shipping for both pieces. That is a nice piece with the typical Mac
look and quality after peaking inside. The grandkids were playing, making her records skip. It pissed her off, this was her idea, but guess who
had to make the plinth and fix up the old Russco? XLRs work so nicely for a Phono preamp out.
Thank you! No matter the inference. In the same way I can return any gift to the giver. I'll accept yours at face value, nothing more.
I think you are confusing the whole idea of being all about the music. Your posts 8135 and 8137 are consumed with nostalgia. You give the impression that you don't give a toss about music except when it triggers memories. What is your attitude to new music? Doesn't even get a mention.
Still trying to justify the reason to keep on posting nonsense as if it were some Freudian breakthrough that only you seem to realize.
He was pretty much a whack job too when it came to people in general. I actually think YOU believe you know what you're talking about.
The more you type the less sense you make about vinyl as a complete package. From as simple as it can be to the NUT spending 200K for
a preamp, turntable, and cart. Vinyl is here to stay and will go away when the first humans are born WITHOUT ears. Face it you and a
couple others on this thread define the word "TROLL". BTW I SELDOM say that about anyone. To be so wrong about something but think
you're so right.
As for Sal he has been on permanent ignore since day 3 (close) of my joining ASR. I bet we are more alike than he ever imagined, the problem is
IMAGINE. The guy has a one-track mind: my way or the highway. Sal, you're chiseled out of granite, no doubt about it. I'll defend your right
to NEVER change, once your mind is made up. Long live Sal!! Here, Here. If I drank, I would probably raise a glass.