So Do i, Thats why i quikley as i fast learned the why and how of transisor physics and digital sound reproduction,, and why everybody swear to that vinyl is more natural sounding witch it is.!!!! "" Everybody thinks / havelearned that no adult can hear sound above 16,5 Khz ((measurement on my own hearing)).... can anybody explain what happens to the music in the digital medium at the end of the spectrum.???
well there is just sooooo many samples so it gets cut of ""TOTALLY CUT OFF LIKE A BRICK WALL"" At yes half the sampling frequency only one channel of audio get conveyed at a time whether it be left or right..... As This is'nt bad enoughf espesially when there is a clock in the digital chain that has JITTER of Several Thousands of picosecond "" why i swear to LC Audios premium clock with only one single Pico Second jitter""" but thats another matter alltogether a vinyl will sound better then the same cd even with porly aligned tone arm turtable and wrong freqency reonanses.....
For the simple reason that the top all the way up to 50 khz,,
And it's proven that we actually hear subconcially all the way up to 5oKhz.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
""""no one can hear that you say well many can hear the sample delay of 44.1 khz""""
And the vinyl rolles the top of NATURALLY AND GRADUALLY instead of like a cd or whatever LIKE A BRICK WALL STOP it is not natural as a vinyl replayed is either from a cxrappy turntable or a solid grannit one like mine, and that accounts for well i guess if not this whole discussion at least a whole lot of it.....
Sorry formy english grammar wich i gladly admit is not the best far from,, still i usually get my point across.....
Best's Of regards To Ya All May We All Find The Winding Road Ti Hi-Fi ValHalla....