Dad burn it! As a geezer I can hear the occasional tick & pop on my TT setup. But to me, who cares; it's got no right to sound that good. Plus, I gits[sic] to fiddle with tone arms, carts & preamps endlessly as a hobby. I do not for a minute think that vinyl fidelity can approach the near perfection id d1g1t0l formats. I do own a CD player and stream music, and SQ is just plain excellent. I enjoy them all. And, shudder, I have home-brewed tube amplifcation. Is that type better than SS class AB or switch-mode amplification? Nope. Those darn output transformers! It's just a fiddly mode of amplification I enjoy, both for sound and for looks. And if engineered correctly (electrical engineering is my job description), tubes can turn in a creditable performance. Of course, in my professional job, I'd never specify a vacuum tube for any project, ever. I'd get laughed out of the place. So my tubed home-brews tickle my nun-handles just fine. My excellent Bryston 4Bst BJT amp also tickles them babies. Enjoy what you like; if you don't like a mode of amplification, then simply pass it by.Go for it John!
At your age the exersise will be good for you.
And you can't hear all the noise, pops, clicks, and distortion any who.
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