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Buckeye Purifi Eigentakt 1ET9040BA monoblock power amplifier Stereophile Measurements

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Regarding QC, we did announce the hiring of a new employee to handle all QC related matters in our official 9040 thread.....but they are a Beagle and therefore a little hard to train.
Beagles are not particularly hard to train. They have been used successfully working in public spaces sniffing baggage.

Zeno's a mutt but most people say he looks beagle and you see him here performing an evaluation of a BT speaker:

Beagles are not particularly hard to train. They have been used successfully working in public spaces sniffing baggage.

Zeno's a mutt but most people say he looks beagle and you see him here performing an evaluation of a BT speaker:

Love it!
Regarding QC, we did announce the hiring of a new employee to handle all QC related matters in our official 9040 thread.....but they are a Beagle and therefore a little hard to train.
See, there ya go again... Gonna need to see his vet record and papers from the breeder proving he's "Beagle". Also, need that microchip number posted as well... :D;)
This isn’t a crime scene and from what we understand so far. It was a minor QC kerfuffle
Agree, really not a big deal here...


Geez... the drama going on in this thread, all over a small drop in a raging ocean.

The one person this error affected was Dylan unfortunately.
I was not contacted by JA regarding any measurement results, only found out about them during final review/edit phase of the article.
That's a shame really... it was fairly clear something was amiss. At least they are going to re-test and publish again.

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Regarding QC, we did announce the hiring of a new employee to handle all QC related matters in our official 9040 thread.....but they are a Beagle and therefore a little hard to train.
Well... it could've been worse...

Although, had you gone the latter route, all components could be subjected* to a CAT Scan.

:cool: :rolleyes: :facepalm:

Thanks, I'll see myself out.

* as were most of the components at my house during our kitties' tenure. :)
Well... it could've been worse...

Although, had you gone the latter route, all components could be subjected* to a CAT Scan.

:cool: :rolleyes: :facepalm:

Thanks, I'll see myself out.

* as were most of the components at my house during our kitties' tenure. :)
Not to get off topic at all, but I have often wondered how having a cat (let alone cats) would be with all my audio stuff....especially speaker grills and scratching....
Not to get off topic at all, but I have often wondered how having a cat (let alone cats) would be with all my audio stuff....especially speaker grills and scratching....
problematic. ;)
In fact, I could write a book.

EDIT: I shall share one example. This is what Zappa* did one day to one of the midrange drivers on one of a pair of (admittedly, dump finds... but quite nice) Allison Ones the day I brought them home. :facepalm:


I will only note, in passing, that - besides being very good sounding, refreshingly sensitive, and easy to drive -- many of the classic Braun/ads loudspeakers featured perforated metal grilles. :)

* Zappa, as I like to tell my course's students (in a mass spectrometry lecture... but I digress...) was our grey on the average cat. :cool:
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but they are a Beagle and therefore a little hard to train.
If all else fails at least you can toss him into a toaster, slap some cream cheese on it and eat him.

I am replying on my iPhone without my spectacle's. :oops:
How does NAD get 340 W/ch × 7 ch = 2380 W total output for 5 minutes with an IEC 60320 C14 AC inlet receptacle rated to 15 amp (NA rating) with a 15 amp T15AL fuse, which can give a maximum of 120 V × 15 A = 1800 VA rated max electricity input?
Every outlet in my home is rated for at least 20 amps (or more) 120V X 20 = 2000, so I'm good, just have to get the right plug setups.
How does NAD get 340 W/ch × 7 ch = 2380 W total output for 5 minutes
They only claim FTC rating for two channels.

So the 7 channel power has no 5 minute capability.
A better analogy is expecting your local Chevy dealer to test every car on the lot on a dynamometer to ensure the engine produces the exact HP listed on the window. Doesn't happen anywhere.
I worked for Porsche Cars North America (the arm of Porsche that delivers the cars from the ports to the dealers) from 1984-1989. Among my duties of inspecting the underneath of the car in a pit,
came pulling it forward onto a chassis dyno and running it through the gears and in the proper gear, checking it's HP & Torque ratings against the factory ratings from when it left Stuttgart to go to the port.
This entailed between 35 & 100+ (on double shifts) cars a day. Each & every car that came to the United States was checked for these things (and many, many other things) after arriving here: how hot the heater could get, how cold the AC could go, the ABS brake system and every other operational thing that could be done on a chassis dyno (with the exception of the Non Road Legal Race cars that went to different racing teams). If the car did not meet (I never had one just meet the spec) or exceed the factory ratings, it would have been pulled for diagnostics to find out why it did not meet specs. There were other reasons that the occasional car was pulled for diagnostics but not meeting or exceeding the HP & Torque spec was never one of the reasons for that happening during my years there.
I am sure that we were not the only car company doing that. And that there are some car companies doing it now.
I have seen advertisements of certain auto companies looking for chassis dyno operators (BMW being one of them, but there are others).
During 1998-2000 I did the same "chassis dyno operator" job for Western Star Trucks: the ABS systems on these large tractors (for those that don't know: the tractor part of the words Tractor/Trailer) had some "teething" problems that we worked through back then.
A word:

We can be a tough crowd. Many, many highly talented Engineers and Professionals live here. We can ask the difficult and challenging questions. At the same time. We want to attract Product Development Engineers from the industry. We want them to become part of our community and enjoy conversing with their fellow Nerds and Geeks. When they come here and join the Family and dip their toe in the pool. We must guard ourselves from trying to bite their foot off at the ankle. We have chased a few Industry Technical Representatives out of participating.

In an earlier post of yours asked us to “cut the snark”.

Now I am wonder if you meant “cut the shark”?
Not to get off topic at all, but I have often wondered how having a cat (let alone cats) would be with all my audio stuff....especially speaker grills and scratching....

Take the grilles off. I have about 12 pairs of speakers in my listening area and they all have the grills removed. Neither of our cats has attacked any of them yet...

They have these laminated cardboard scratchers to keep them happy. Best thing ever, each morning they tear into them. They last several months each.

And that there are some car companies doing it now.
You can also stay in the audio area:
The MXA-8400 is assembled to the highest quality standards at Lyngdorf Audio in Denmark, where each unit must pass a 24-hour test with all channels driven and must be measured to meet all specifications. This ensures the ultimate performance and highest reliability.
You can also stay in the audio area:
The MXA-8400 is assembled to the highest quality standards at Lyngdorf Audio in Denmark, where each unit must pass a 24-hour test with all channels driven and must be measured to meet all specifications. This ensures the ultimate performance and highest reliability.
Hard to compare as 8 channels vs 2. So price cannot indicate what the extra costs for extended testing are.
Not to get off topic at all, but I have often wondered how having a cat (let alone cats) would be with all my audio stuff....especially speaker grills and scratching....
I have a cat that does not damage anything and loves listening to music. As soon as she spots me moving to towards the HiFi. she rushes over and sits watching me. Then when the music starts, she rolls around on the floor. She doesn't like it loud and can't stand opera. Electronica is her favourite and she seems to have a soft spot for Vangelis!

I've had quite a few cats, but none have behaved like she does.
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