I want to take this opportunity to make it publicly known (if there was any doubt) that I am in no way going to let Purifi take the blame/criticism all alone that some might throw at them.
Ultimately they made the modules and released them to the market. Only they know the full number of modules released and the serial numbers and thus the simplest, easiest way to make this right is for them to be forthcoming. I can see no legitimate reason to not release the serial numbers so that end users can find peace of mind. It would be nice to believe that only one module escaped their recall but it would be better for everyone if they simply disclosed the serial numbers. I see no reason for the hesitancy. While nice to know that Purifi contacted their customers about the recall, the fact that one module escaped means that others could have as well.
Offering to verify numbers privately is of help but I have never seen a recall where the numbers aren't made available for the buying public. Again, trust but verify.
Buckeye is not to blame for the issue itself though if they were told which modules were defective and used one by mistake certainly that is their fault but an honest mistake.
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