Don’t get me started on the audiophool myth that even-order distortion somehow magically sounds better than odd-order distortion.
The amount of distortion inflicted on the signal by the amplifier circuitry (whether it be a tube amp, Class A amp, or anything else) is almost never high enough in level to be audible, unless you are pushing an amplifier close to clipping. What the audiophile press calls the “warm” tube amp sound is largely a function of frequency roll off at the high and low extremes, which can be audible. But even-order harmonic distortion? Doubtful.
Maybe you should, but my distortion comment was done in the context of the the jest that preceded it.
As I stated previously, even with the steel part, the distortion is likely inaudible.
Rock guitarists drive amps to distort all the time and is considered audibly desirable. As for the even/odd aspect, would not want to condone audiophoolery, but in speaker measurements, we often consider HD2 more desirable than HD3. In any case, is off topic and subject for another thread.
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