Hi All! happy to see that there are some discussion about our new E50 speakers in here. Regarding the talk about the stained black might be veneer since it does not have the finger joints? It's still solid wood, all of them are and will be for future finishes as well. If you do not like the finger joints, we can just make a pair for you without them, we build them in our own production, so we do have a ton of flexibility here
Regarding measurements of them, this is where I would have to disappoint properly all on ASR. We would have a pair shipped to Erin for testing soon, but we have with this speaker let the subjective judgment win over the objective. This is very different from many of our other designs, but if you decide your equipment from an objective standpoint (which makes sense to do), then you would want the active version of this that we would make as well. If we get so much hate for taking a different approach with this design, we can always release the first crossover we made for is which I would attached measurement of here so you can see we are not completely incompetent in doing designs

There are a ton of reasons why we went in a another direction with this design, which we would release a larger paper on later. The measurement you see here is a rather easy and simple 4. order. Although it's not perfect by any means, it's the best we could do with the given design which also had to look nice, we also had designs with oval waveguides to get drivers closer, but we did not take that far as it looked ugly to me. We ended up with a design that used 1. order on the Purifi and 3. order on the SS tweeter should you be interested.
this does not mean that all passive future products from us would measure like crap now, we would in our cheaper series still develop with objective data driven designs, while still having something that looks good.
Sorry to disappoint ASR on this one, but I hope that some of you would get to listen to them one day anyways, they do sound rather fantastic despite being a little colored
Take care.