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Broke my right wrist, the good arm. Any ideas how long this breakage goes on?

Sorry about that.
They never performed surgery. They gave me fentanyl, put me to sleep and I woke with a cast. I don't think I would have taken them setting it without sedation. It hurt a lot at the time.
Sorry-I guess the comment about 11 hrs made me think they performed surgery. Like another member suggested I recommend trying to get another opinion from an orthopod you trust. If you don't know one some of you friends or relatives will. I also believe surgery typically yields better results in wrist fx's. Of course every case is different but those can be a bugger to get aligned. When is your next follow-up w/ the ortho that casted you?
Can you get a bit (or two) more descriptive as to what they 'patched' up?
View attachment 312974
I have a triangulated piece of titanium that holds both the "radius" and the "ulna" bracketed.
If it was not for the scar (3.25" long) to remind me, the wrist feels as good as my right wrist.
... because I FIDGETed for the next 3 months instead of PT.:facepalm:
For some reason I assumed a distal radial/ulna fx. It's not often bones of the hand are broken with that type of fall.
==== ORIGINAL REPORT ==== Comminuted intra-articular transverse fracture of the distal right radius is identified. Fracture line extends to the lunate facet of the distal radial articular surface. Mild impaction and dorsal angulation of the fracture is seen. Transverse fracture through the base of the ulnar side is also seen, with approximately 5 mm distraction. The remainder of the right radius and ulna more proximally are intact. Right elbow is well aligned. Carpal bones within the right wrist are also well aligned. No other fracture is seen in the remainder of the right hand or wrist. IMPRESSION Comminuted intra-articular impacted and dorsal angulated transverse fracture of the distal right radius, with associated distracted ulnar styloid avulsion fracture.

Comparison made with prereduction views September 16/23. The patient's right wrist is casted, obscuring fine bony detail. Nonetheless, the transverse intraarticular fracture of the distal right radius is visualized through the presence of the cast. Associated ultrasound avulsion is also seen. The distal radial fracture has been brought out to length, with the previous dorsal angulation having been corrected. Carpal bones within the right wrist remain well aligned. No adverse post reduction features are seen.
Ah! I was right...for once.
Sorry-I guess the comment about 11 hrs made me think they performed surgery. Like another member suggested I recommend trying to get another opinion from an orthopod you trust. If you don't know one some of you friends or relatives will. I also believe surgery typically yields better results in wrist fx's. Of course every case is different but those can be a bugger to get aligned. When is your next follow-up w/ the ortho that casted you?
ortho follow up is scheduled for the 28th of sept
Is it time to temporarily change your avatar to a grimacing dinosaur?

just sayin'!:eek:
ortho follow up is scheduled for the 28th of sept
Scheduled followup is 0-7-14-28 days, so that's ok.
If fragment position is without deposition everything will go all right
The pain doesn't last for weeks. Once it is set and in a cast the pain reduces and goes away. But then you have to keep the cast dry, and some things are difficult without two good hands. After I broke it, I had to drive a stick shift car with one hand to the hospital. Mine healed fine but I have a small plate in my wrist. Sounds like I broke mine in a situation similar to you. Fell over backwards. I was doing something not smart (stupid, actually) and fell. We could share stories about how we broke bones doing not smart things.
So sorry Doodski about your injury. I always enjoy your post so i’am glad you can still post thru your injury. I will burn one in your honor tonite. Get better quickly.
So sorry Doodski about your injury. I always enjoy your post so i’am glad you can still post thru your injury. I will burn one in your honor tonite. Get better quickly.
I'm burning one right now. :D
The pain doesn't last for weeks. Once it is set and in a cast the pain reduces and goes away. But then you have to keep the cast dry, and some things are difficult without two good hands. After I broke it, I had to drive a stick shift car with one hand to the hospital. Mine healed fine but I have a small plate in my wrist. Sounds like I broke mine in a situation similar to you. Fell over backwards. I was doing something not smart (stupid, actually) and fell. We could share stories about how we broke bones doing not smart things.
Yes, the pain is slowly dissipating. I can barely tie my shoes but the pants are too tight for getting them on. :D
ortho follow up is scheduled for the 28th of sept
The Doodski with limited typing skills. We will have a marked drop in daily post count until you heal. So Heal quickly Mate. Oh, not to be the bearer of bad news but. Muscle loss and follow up physical therapy may be needed. Unless you like doing the imitation of a fiddler crab? :p


Sorry to hear about your misadventures and best wishes for a speedy and complete healing journey ahead.
It'd be pretty funny if we found out this was a hoax, just to accrue some more attention and 'Likes'!o_O
The Doodski with limited typing skills. We will have a marked drop in daily post count until you heal. So Heal quickly Mate. Oh, not to be the bearer of bad news but. Muscle loss and follow up physical therapy may be needed. Unless you like doing the imitation of a fiddler crab? :p
I'm already weighting the arm and scrunching my fingers. Keeping it active.
Sorry to hear about your misadventures and best wishes for a speedy and complete healing journey ahead.
Thank you. :D
ortho follow up is scheduled for the 28th of sept
Hopefully they will replace the cast and wash your shrivelled forearm :p
I'm already weighting the arm and scrunching my fingers. Keeping it active.

Thank you. :D
So you're weight bearing as tolerated?
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