~9pm on the 15th I broke my wrist when I tripped on something behind me and extended my arm to block the fall. SNAP! I broke my shoulder going over the bars of my dirtbike and that made me vomit from pain but this wrist is a different aching pain when it happened. I'm in a big cast to the fingers and elbow, ate some tylenol X-strength and Advil X-strength, the cannabis feels like relief from pressure too. Watching lotsa bushcraft and catfishing videos and keeping my mind clear. Emergency nurse advised 6 weeks for this to end. Is that about right? That fentanyl they gave me before sedation and reduction was veryyyyy welcomed. It took 11.5 hours in emergency. I may just get bored and learn to type with my left hand...lol. Having a sense of humor about this but it's pretty serious for living alone. There was a big bump sticking out where the broken stuff and the joint had separated and stayed that way until they put me out and aligned everything. I heard word of a forked break compound fracture.