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Bob Clearmountain home and studio destroyed by Palisades fire | he and family are safe

Unfortunate but that will be patched up good as new and recertified and back in business. :D
Saw it was until at least Monday that it can be back in service in a report a coupla hours ago. Did punch a nice hole for such a light thing but speed and light aluminum leading edge?
That looks perhaps under the weight limit for registration with the FAA, tho.
I think the weight limit (if it is similar to UK and I think it is) is only 250g

That is not one of the 250g models. And even if they've not registered. it, the serial number will be findable, and traceable.

EDIT - It is one of the <250g models - you can see 249 written on the body plastic, so one of the DJI mini range.

So it is down to tracing the serial number.
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Saw it was until at least Monday that it can be back in service in a report a coupla hours ago. Did punch a nice hole for such a light thing but speed and light aluminum leading edge?
The video I watched about the aircraft said it is built like a tank but the leading edge of the wing does not appear that way for sure. I don't know what speed the aircraft flies at when on a mission. The drone appears to have a 249g text on it.
The video I watched about the aircraft said it is built like a tank but the leading edge of the wing does not appear that way for sure. I don't know what speed the aircraft flies at when on a mission. The drone appears to have a 249g text on it.
Plane built like a tank, not a great analogy to begin with. They're not.
Saw it was until at least Monday that it can be back in service in a report a coupla hours ago. Did punch a nice hole for such a light thing but speed and light aluminum leading edge?
The space shuttle Columbia had an impact from a piece of insulating foam, estimated 800gm at 560mph. That destroyed a small portion of the reentry heat shield resulting in loss of mission. Many ASR participants remember the NASA Challenger and Columbia.

(One of my areas is the professional responsibility of engineers and scientists. Look up the lectures on video by Roger Boisjoly on the Challenger, and the hearings testimony by physicist Richard Feynman. I have VHS of Boisjoly in 1987 at MIT which I don't think is public and it is rough viewing. Boisjoly predicted the disaster, tried to stop it through channels, was overruled, watched it happen, was hounded out of his job by management, and suffering from guilt experienced a psychological breakdown. Fortunately very little audio engineering is life safety critical.)

Force = m*a. Birds are not that heavy but they can destroy an engine. Airplanes and engines are engineered for minimum weight, not impact resistance. Same for spacecraft which are threatened by space junk. I do some work at a small airport near a location where people want to bring drones. The aviation world is very concerned about drones impacting aircraft, on purpose or accidentally on purpose.
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Plane built like a tank, not a great analogy to begin with. They're not.
Obviously... LoL. I found the statement analogy to be far fetched as well. The closest thing to a tank I suppose would be a Warthog or a AC130 gunship.
Many ASR participants remember the NASA Challenger and Columbia.
I remember them both. But I know exactly where I was and who I was with when we watched the challenger launch live.
LA County is starting detailed mapping by property.

Arvin Hadad is one of my favourite Youtubers. He is the "How to Buy a Mansion Guy", and is well known for making hilarious reaction videos to mansions for sale in the Pacific Palisades and elsewhere in Hollywood. He is very, very funny - like a comedian who happens to sell real estate. This is the saddest I have ever seen him. The scale of devastation is truly mind blowing.

Yes, we have bushfires in Australia. Lots of people die. But we don't have bushfires in our major cities (thank God!!!).

But what also does not help is the massive eucalyptus forests that are planted there. Eucalyptus is planted because the wood is growing fast and is used a lot in carpentry. The original trees that grew there are way more fire resistant and would in most cases kill the bushfire.

Sigh. I don't think that even with events such as this that climate change deniers and apologists are ever going to make the connection. There is always another explanation just plausible enough to be a safe harbor. The tragedy here is enormous. My heart truly does go out to every living thing harmed in this calamity.
Since this appears to be the 'Los Angeles Fire' thread...

Here is an editable/addable spreadsheet of music industry folks who have lost their homes to the fires, along with 'gofundme' links and immediate requests where applicable. For sharing.

The spreadsheet is set up on Google Docs at Support The Music Community - Fire Loss.

There were 324 names on the list when this posted. In addition to the thread subject, jazz saxophonists Bennie Maupin and Steve Lehman, keyboardist Jeff Lorber and bassist John Clayton were some important artists names I saw with a quick perusal. The spreadsheet is not only musicians, it is anyone associated with music, such as a middle-school band teacher... :facepalm:

The document begins with "Welcome to the doc you never wanted to see or be on." :(

Please help someone if you can. :cool:
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****MOD NOTICE****

Stay away from climate change as it leads to views of politicians on climate change . Thanks .
We will eventually not be able to discuss anything that challenges the opinion of a few people in the political class. When they decide what music we should listen to, we won’t be able to discuss other types of music because it will be banned by a moderator. We are going back to the dark ages.
Or, here's an idea , stick to audio and audio reproduction.

Problem solved .
The spreadsheet is not only musicians, it is anyone associated with music, such as a middle-school band teacher...
Please do not underestimate the incredible value of an amazing middle-school band teacher. (My kids were lucky enough to have one of the absolute best middle-school band teachers in the USA, and it was amazing how much difference such a teacher can make for the kids... whether or not they continue their own music journey beyond that point)
Since this appears to be the 'Los Angeles Fire' thread...

Here is an editable/addable spreadsheet of music industry folks who have lost their homes to the fires, along with 'gofundme' links and immediate requests where applicable. For sharing.

The spreadsheet is set up on Google Docs at Support The Music Community - Fire Loss.

There were 324 names on the list when this posted. In addition to the thread subject, jazz saxophonists Bennie Maupin and Steve Lehman, keyboardist Jeff Lorber and bassist John Clayton were some important artists names I saw with a quick perusal. The spreadsheet is not only musicians, it is anyone associated with music, such as a middle-school band teacher... :facepalm:

The document begins with "Welcome to the doc you never wanted to see or be on." :(

Please help someone if you can. :cool:
Sadly - there are many scams associated with this disaster - in particular fake go fund me's (etc) going around - and if the spreadsheet is editable/addable, almost certainly there will be some on there.

The only safe way to donate is through an official organisation - or to contact the actual person you think you are donating to and verifying the legitimacy of the funding.


To be fair, up to now I didn't see it getting overly political even when climate was being discussed. Might have been some room to be tolerant and only step in when and if the discussion truly became too political. This was never an audio thread unless I missed something.
Like the post of yours I deleted ? Come on ....
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