It's climate change in action, the desert is crawling northwards and bushfires are the tool of it. It's caused by high temperature and no rain and the strong wind does certainly not help. The same is happening in southern Europe with big bushfires also. But not in city centers like here in LA and surroundings.
But what also does not help is the massive eucalyptus forests that are planted there. Eucalyptus is planted because the wood is growing fast and is used a lot in carpentry. The original trees that grew there are way more fire resistant and would in most cases kill the bushfire. In europe they are on a massive scale replacing the Eucalyptus with trees that are less a danger like corkoak, olive trees and so, and in zones where that happened, bushfires are smaller, less frequent and easier to control and terminate. California should do the same and use a similar philosophy to beat the wildifires.
And also, bury your power cabling, that alone would avoid a lot of bushfires as cables can't snap that easy anymore, and when they do, they are underground and don't cause fire. But it's not done in the US, probally because of the extra costs. But it would help a lot.