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Bi-amp front speakers with receiver (internal) and external integrated amp?

It seems I must be benefiting from the power as the top terminals on my 804 D3's hit the mid and high Crossover and the lower bass crossover is to the lower terminals. Based on how much power these guys will take it's definitely helping and I'm applying a different frequency setup on my AVM 90 that seems to make a noticeable improvement before Bi-Amping. Any feedback on this setup?
It seems I must be benefiting from the power as the top terminals on my 804 D3's hit the mid and high Crossover and the lower bass crossover is to the lower terminals. Based on how much power these guys will take it's definitely helping and I'm applying a different frequency setup on my AVM 90 that seems to make a noticeable improvement before Bi-Amping. Any feedback on this setup?
Can you control the individual amps power output going to the speakers? If you can does it improve the sound quality when you adjust the power levels going to the top end and the lower end?
La quantità di filo del percorso del segnale audio in uno studio può essere ridicolmente alta e quindi aggiungere pochi metri di filo dell'altoparlante non è così male come potrebbe sembrare all'inizio.
yes, it's a joke!!
we definitely don't have the problems they encounter at a stadium concert!!!
but it is also true that you don't need to use a lot of boxes to hear the music well!!
I have proof of this, with my old system!! even if everything was balanced, it brought with it a truly audible background noise.
With the new configuration you don't even hear anything if you put your ear inside the speaker box....
I have no idea what is going on in this thread. And I don't think I'm the only one.
We are trying to pin down exactly what is going on here so no worries we all are confused at this time...LoL.
I see that and assume because he is chatting about bi-amping that he used the passive crossovers. :D
Yes but he has also been responding to others pointing out that active crossover/active speakers are not the normal in the hobby, countering his original claim. I am just making sure others are aware of the distinction.

A vast majority of speakers, even expensive ones, are not setup for active crossover/active DSP usage that biamping/triamping are actually advantageous for.
@hwest first question...LoL. Are you running B&W 804 D3 speakers? :D
I like the sound at that price point. What speakers do you know of that sound as good at that price point? I haven't seen anything less than 5 star ratings on the B&W 804 D3's and that's thousands of people over the years.
Yes but he has also been responding to others pointing out that active crossover/active speakers are not the normal in the hobby, countering his original claim. I am just making sure others are aware of the distinction.

A vast majority of speakers, even expensive ones, are not setup for active crossover/active DSP usage that biamping/triamping are actually advantageous for.
It's all confusing with the sudden changes in topical material and the sometimes unclear wording. I'm as confused as the next guy and am in a holding pattern at the moment.
I like the sound at that price point. What speakers do you know of that sound as good at that price point?
Frankly even if there are so many peeps that dislike the B&W speakers I would be pleased to have them and would be very pleased if I could rewire them and make them active... It would be a major effort but if I had the money and the energy to do that they would make a excellent toy to play with.
It's all confusing with the sudden changes in topical material and the sometimes unclear wording. I'm as confused as the next guy and am in a holding pattern at the moment.
The design of the B&W is allowing for an improvement in sound by setting up the Bi-Wiring, that's what I know at this point. Active Vs Passive aside results are better when Bi-Amping, that's my observation in the real world, better separation between the highs and lows and definitely appears that I have better control of the sound dialing in the highs and lows when I had already spent time prior to this change and felt that was the max, this ne setup allowed for more improvement. I'm still here to learn but like to live in a world where results are the end goal, perhaps not getting there the same way as most.
The design of the B&W is allowing for an improvement in sound by setting up the Bi-Wiring, that's what I know at this point. Active Vs Passive aside results are better when Bi-Amping, that's my observation in the real world.
I expect that and additionally if the added operation of adjustable amplifier output levels for the top and bottom end are there the sound quality improvement should be obvious.
improvement in sound by setting up the Bi-Wiring
I expect that and additionally if the added operation of adjustable amplifier output levels for the top and bottom end are there the sound quality improvement should be obvious.
Yes, if I want to tone down the levels to individual channels I can do that on each of the AMPS.
Look at his posting history before bothering to respond further. From the start, nothing but nonsensical claims. And he apparently hasn't learned anything in the two plus years of having an account here.
Yes, if I want to tone down the levels to individual channels I can do that on each of the AMPS.
Very nice... I like that very much. I have in the past operated my MODed KEF 3-way large transmission line towers by adding large metal Altec Lansing horns and compression drivers to the towers and used an active crossover with separate amps of course. There was a lot of speaker wire and many RCA cables but the advantages where obvious and the sound was very addictive. That is what I was thinking when I saw that you are MODing your B&W speakers. That would be a killer system and an amazing toy.
Look at his posting history before bothering to respond further. From the start, nothing but nonsensical claims. And he apparently hasn't learned anything in the two plus years of having an account here.
He doesn't need to be perfect or have absolute control over knowledge. He's having a good time and not bothering anybody like a bad troll. :D This is ASR and we are supposed to have fun too. :D
He doesn't need to be perfect or have absolute control over knowledge. He's having a good time and not bothering anybody like a bad troll. :D This is ASR and we are supposed to have fun too. :D
I am not against having fun. But the biamping claims have been a constant "myth" that swirls around this hobby no matter the forum...much like audio cable snake oil. Being a science based forum it is a little more pertinent to check claims.

Mainly, in this instance, that what the OP is doing is passive biamping that for nearly anyone who would try it with their new AVR and speakers (seeing double binding posts and removable bridge) has no measurable or (when doing true blind A/B testing) audible advantage.

Now, in the OP's instance he seems to imply he has control over the gain or volume of the signal going to the mids/high binding posts and the low binding posts. If that is the case, it would make sense he might hear a difference as he can change the frequency response crudely (like a Treble/Bass slider).

That is my guess based on what he has said.
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