Hi there all brochachos, please don't kill me and don't kill you each other, I just want some recommendation
@Berwhale I intend to listen to the setup with my ears, the size of the room is a small room.
@Helicopter My budget is about one trillion dollars for each speaker (Just kidding) I wouldn't like to spend more than $1000 for each monitor.
@sarumbear Haha you're so funny, really, I'm crying of laughter here (Sarcasm) By the way you seem to be an expert in this matter.
@Beershaun Oh, you join the party too, don't drink and drive

Thanks for your comment and suggestion
@Harmonie Sisterchacha, I'm looking for some monitors worthy of the best DAC for it's price right now (D90SE) I mean I won't be buying the best dac and connecting a pair of $20 monitors
@HiFidFan Haha memes and all that, long live the Internet!
@sweetchaos My budget is of 1€ for the whole setup (Lulz), read my answer to
@Helicopter in this comment, thanks. Bookshelves, active (But really no preference, I'm not the best audiophile in the world like you guys, my life doesn't depend on it.)
Do you care about having perfect horizontal and vertical directivity or do you want good horizontal directivity and can accept weaker vertical directivity?
My name is Ralph.
What's your listening distance?
1 meter
Also, what's your location? I'm guessing UK by the use of the word 'flat'.
C'mon... Don't be racist!!! It's because I'm black, right? Just kidding, I'm not black either, I'm from Barcelona (Messi)
I'm sure we can find something for your goals.
Oh, thank you!!! You're nice.
Don't laugh guys, thanks for all your replies, and don't take it too seriously, I'm just a random user, but I have feelings too...