There are
diodes in the active part of the amp, and (of course) the PS. Mac ditched vacuum tube HV recifiers earlier than some other (US) hifi companies.
I do see a transistor - maybe a regulator(?) - in the P/S. The only other transistors I
see are in the meter drive circuit. I didn't look hard at the schematic, either.
... and I think they covered the tubes to help keep their customers
My "pure" riposte was meant only to poke fun at using (relatively) cheap and (then) plentiful, nigh-on indestructable color TV horizontal output tubes as audio(phile) outputs.
un-audiophile. As an aside, the world's supplies of tubes like those (e.g., the US 6JE6 and its cousins and siblings) has dwindled due mostly to their use in linear (RF) amplifiers for CB radio and other such suitably elegant
transmitter applications.