Finally got the real perfect seal with KB01 with the trick i had to use with almost every other cable, despite the straight connectors: remodeling the ear hooks with a hairdryer to straighten the cable over the connectors, since it was preventing the last bit of iem rotation I need to get the nozzles at perfect angle for my ear canals.Kbear KB01 arrived, listening to them now. They are really small and nicely made, not cheapish feeling at touch. I must say that they sound good, even though they are a bit brighter than I was expecting from the graph. Had to use the largest tips i have, Tri Clarion large (14mm) since they are pretty small and with very short nozzle, couldn't get solid seal with most of my other large tips, even Kbear 07 large (from Sonus box, 13,7 mm) work fine but not perfect. As said I was expecting them a bit warmer, even though i don't really know whyActually they sound very similar to Truthear Gate for me, with more air and not so more bass as graph could suggest, and I'm enjoying them after throwing away that wrong expectation, the highs are honestly surprising me, very present but smooth.
The cable is actually pretty cheap, very thin and tangly, but not microphonic and with straight connectors (i bought them mostly for that), with big and well readable L-R marks on them (finally!), so it does it's job well.
For the price i paid i could have get a spare Gate, the cable is surely better, but I'm glad to have picked them instead.
Now the bass are effectively where I expected from graph and with a very good definition, giving that last bit of balance they seemed to miss with the very nice higher part of the spectrum. Men they are good!