OK, measurements and listening tests done. All the DACs used were reviewed by Amir in some fashion.
Measurements were done using a Motu M4 audio interface, an Audiophonics NC252MP amplifier (25-26 dB gain) connected to a 4 ohm dummy load with a voltage divider to protect the M4 from any spurious pops or accidental over voltage. The MOTU M4 was powered by a MacBook pro which was battery powered. In order to make somewhat meaningful measurements I calibrated the M4 by sending a 9 V from the amplifier and used REW's calibrate level functionality. Probably good to mention that I do not trust these measurements in an absolute sense but as relative comparisons they seem reasonable. Measurements were done with no output from the DAC, I did not find any evidence of obvious low level muting. Also important to note that these measurements would not reveal any noise floor modulation with increased output.
For listening tests I used a
Seas 27TBFCG tweeter which as mentioned previously has a spec'd sensitive of 91.5 dB. The tweeter was connected directly to the amplifier with no padding or crossover. I listened at 1 m and 2 m distances, done late at night.
First up is the M4 ADC with NC252MP inputs shorted, 112 uV noise. All noise measurements are unweighted, 20 - 22000 Hz but you can also see noise levels above 22 kHz in the measurements.
Starting with the lowest performing DAC, a miniDSP OpenDRC-DA8. This uses the same base DAC as the
U-DAC8 reviewed by Amir. Amir measured the DR at 100-101 dB. The graph for this one is not pretty. I had made full scale output measurements in the past and got similar SINAD values to Amir at 79 dB but spikes in this measurement were a surprise. I measured the noise level at 403 uV. As you can imagine noise was easily audible from the Seas 27TBFCG at 1 m. At a distance of 2 m you can definitely tell when the DAC is on although it is much less noticeable. Personally I can live with this level of noise but I can see how the noise could be an issue, especially if listening near field.
Next up is a
miniDSP 2X4HD. I do not think Amir measured DR but the company spec is 103 dB so just slightly better than the OpenDRC-DA8. I measured the noise level at 346 uV. If the OpenDRC-DA8 is used as a baseline the measured noise performance is 1.9 dB better which is exactly as expected. The graph does not show the spikes seen in the OpenDRC-DA8. Similar listening impression to the OpenDRC-DA8, maybe a bit better but that may be my own bias knowing that it measures slightly better.
The next 3 DACs have very similar noise performance and listening impressions were very similar to each other and were a significant improvement over the first two DACs. Very difficult to hear anything at 1 m, if you get within 0.5 m you can definitely hear whether the DAC is on/off. At 2 m+ noise is inaudible. I would be very happy with the noise performance of all DACs from here on out even if listening near field.
Amir measured the MOTU M4 DR at 118 dB but this was at an output voltage of 5.2 V, correcting this to 2 V output for an apples-to-apples comparison gives ~110 dB. I measured the noise level at 164 uV. Comparing to the OpenDRC-DA8 baseline this is 15 dB better which is quite a bit better than expected. It makes me think that the unbalanced DACs (OpenDRC-DA8, 2X4HD) have more noise than anticipated as a result of ground loops.
Amir measured the MOTU Ultralite Mk5 DR at 115-116 dB but this was at an output voltage of 4.2 V, corrected to 2 V this is ~109 dB. I measured the noise level at 160 uV which is slightly better than the MOTU M4, 15.7 dB better than OpenDRC-DA8.
Amir measured the Schiit Modius DR at 115-116 dB but this was at an output voltage of 3.95 V, corrected to 2 V this is ~110 dB. I measured the noise level at 153 uV which is slightly better than the MOTU Ultralite Mk5, 17.0 dB better than OpenDRC-DA8.
And finally the Okto dac8 pro.
Amir measured the 8 channel Okto prototype DR at ~122 dB but this was at an output voltage of 3.3 V, corrected to 2V this is ~118 dB. I measured the noise level at 130 uV, a 24.2 dB improvement over the OpenDRC-DA8. This DAC is absolutely silent from any listening distance, if you stick your ear directly next to the tweeter you can maybe convince yourself there is some noise but I have to think that the majority of that noise is from the amplifier.
A few takeaways, a DAC with a mid 100 dB DR at 2V is more than good enough for me. It is also interesting that the delta between the unbalanced DACs and balanced DACs is more than predicted but if you compare the unbalanced DACs to each other the delta is exactly as expected and if you compare the balanced DACs to each other the delta is also exactly as expected. To me this points to the fact that the noise performance of unbalanced DACs in the real world may be worse than indicated by the ASR measurement. Another reason to stick with balanced inputs/outputs if at all possible.
To me the Denon AVR-X3700H with a DR of 108 dB at 2 V discussed earlier in the thread is likely inaudible at normal listening distances although the lack of balanced outputs would certainly give me pause.