While in college, _______ performance in the physical sciences attracted the attention of the US military. ____ was recruited and selected for training at a secret Navy cadre, and was subsequently assigned to a Military Agency -- one that was the governmental information-gathering agency, complete with the world's most elaborate high-speed computers and signal decoding equipment. ____ was involved in the extensive R&D of ultra-sensitive data acquisition systems. These systems were designed to detect extremely low-level signals that required an outside-the-box approach to signal and noise-isolation. Equipment used by ____ and the team of military scientists could lock onto a correlated signal virtually obscured by random noise -- a feat believed impossible by engineers using commercial electronics of that era.
Subsequent to his military career, _______ became involved in the computer industry during the early Internet days under DARPA, working on network architecture. Later, he became involved with the development of high-speed networking devices like the 1GB/s fibre-channel interface and the present 100MB/s and 1GB/s Ethernet devices. Working with super-high-speed circuits wreaks havoc with textbook engineering school truisms. One cannot assume that wire has zero resistance, inductance or relative capacitance. In fact, Gabriel learned that whether a circuit works at all may well depend on the quality of connectors, interfaces and the buss system architecture.