So would I, but an audio analyser isn't a matter of life and death. Medical apparatus is a straw man argument, as unlike an audio analyser, it has electro-mechanical probes and actuators, which are likely to drift out of spec (unlike precision caps and resistors). You can easily test for yourself against another machine or an item of known calibration to see for yourself. If you know the item measured "0.0003% THD @ 10KHz" and that's what you see, then you know that your design can go to John Atkinson for review and he'll see the same figures.
If you're talking about RF gear, where you'll get fined millions by government bodies if you make a mistake, then you really need calibration certification. And if you get a stern letter from one of these bodies, you can use that certificate in your defence. Again, an audio analyser being out of cal isn't going to result in aircraft comms being affected, or someone getting the wrong oxygen level in their blood.
Unless you're working at a giant corporation and have the worry of the FCC swooping on you, then calibration simply isn't a big deal for smaller OEMs. My SYS-2722 meets every spec. My UPV meets the spec in the (very lengthy) calibration book that I got with it 10 years ago.
Calibration is highly profitable. Firms can charge large fees and they don't need to employ graduates to perform the work. Unless the FCC is on your back and you need to cover your back legally, I fail to see why an audio analyser needs regular certification. If *you know* it hits the spec, you can send it out. The RF arena is different and outside the scope of an audio website.
The discussion has been derailed by 'my firm can afford to throw money at self-adhesive labels every year', instead of anyone answering where the 555 and 555B models differ, which was my reason for bumping the thread. No one's even mentioned Samuel's PDF, which suggests that the 2722 has a better oscillator. This ought to be big news for this site. Way beyond knowing whether your machine has a sticker with the right date. Why did Samuel see these measurements? Is this a reason why the B machine came out?
NB - Samuel now works in RF. No snake oil in that field. He made the right decision.