I just pulled the trigger on this. I was looking for a more tubey sound. I plan to use my DAC remote to lower volume. I'm not sure if this is the early original version or the later Modulus II, etc. Any advice or opinions? Thanks.
Ah - they are not tuby sounding at all.
Just pretty low distortion for a tube pre, and not grainy, and not really anything at all but good.
My Modulus is inverting, so if you look at the photo in the avatar, then you will see the back and red wires reversed.
That mix up at the speaker is not a mistake.
Friend had one of those. Note it has a very high output impedance. I think it was 1200 ohms. So keep interconnect between preamp and amp short.
1200 ohms is not really high, unless the amp’s input impedance is really really low.
I have run 15’ ICs to amps, or maybe 20’…
Just get an IC which does not have a high capacitance and it will be fine.
Like anything Mogami, Beldon, etc.
It also seemed picky about tubes being microphonic. So use good tubes.
I had mine off to the side, in a rack, and just ran it on the OWM tubes for 1/2 century. I’ll probably shove some new tubes in. But i never noticed any microphonic stuff.
I have to use 6 foot cables to my amps. I hope that's not too long.
No - unless they are really weird cables, and the amps are really low input impedance.
But I did not see any Fosi specs… You should be fine.