@GXAlan and
@solderdude have said, there can be a perception of height but generally not a reproduction of height. HRTF processing of the signal could maybe be argued as an exception.
Here are some anecdotes that you can take or leave. If I decrease the downward tilt of the frequency response in my system (i.e. high frequencies become louder) many recordings seem to originate from a higher location in the room, but that's not reproduction. 70+ people have listened in my room, and while there is general overlap in perception for a given room tuning, people still have differeing perceptions of height. And then there are the outliers that percieve the music as coming from the ceiling (two people), and one person who heard it as coming from very low near the floor, and one person who said it sounded like the speakers were up high and behind them. As I have inched closer to a more neutral tuning the perceptions of height have converged more among listeners and trended towards a lower perception more in line with the height of the HF driver. In my experience it is also room dependent, which is another argument that it is not reproduction.