Hello. I'm new to this thread. I'm in the market for some new stand mount speakers and the Ascend Sierras are in my price range. (I've also been looking into the Philharmonic BMR monitors, and Warfdale Aura 2s, among a few others.) At first, I won't be using a subwoofer, but will be considering one for later use in a different room.
I've heard a lot about the RAAL ribbon tweeters, and I looked up the ASR threads on the Ascend towers, where there is some discussion about the difference between the Titan domes tweeters and the RAAL ribbons. But the difference in price is so much greater between those two options ($600) than between the Sierra-LX and Sierra-EX2s ($150) , that I wonder if those comparisons are really relevant. I really like a wide horizontal sound field, but I'm a little skeptical about the RAALs narrow vertical contour. I'd really appreciate any thoughts from folks more experienced with the Sierra versions or other speakers with RAALs vs dome tweeters.
I've heard a lot about the RAAL ribbon tweeters, and I looked up the ASR threads on the Ascend towers, where there is some discussion about the difference between the Titan domes tweeters and the RAAL ribbons. But the difference in price is so much greater between those two options ($600) than between the Sierra-LX and Sierra-EX2s ($150) , that I wonder if those comparisons are really relevant. I really like a wide horizontal sound field, but I'm a little skeptical about the RAALs narrow vertical contour. I'd really appreciate any thoughts from folks more experienced with the Sierra versions or other speakers with RAALs vs dome tweeters.