Major Contributor
Agree that the remuneration model for artists sucks (although I do like that streaming service are so cheap ... is it my fault after all?)Don't get me wrong, i'm not against the existence of streaming media (altough i don't use it). It could be a great way to spread and find music for cheap. But the actual execution lacks a lot i think, and I notice i'm not alone. Those who are unhappy with how it goes grows fast is my impression. Even youtube became only bearable if you block a whole leap of things they push in your face.
Some things that need to be better:
Artists could get paid better (there is budget, see the excessive profit they make).
Leave sugestions and so optional, an option you need to activate. If you want to suggest, look at the history and make logic suggestions. I know classical musicians, that only listen to classical music who always are pointed to top30 artist they don't give a f**k about.
Keep different versions of a song in the database, many care a lot about a specific version of a song.
High res should be mandatory (some do, not all).
And mainly, don't mess with playlists that people make, don't push things into people's face if the not choose for it. That is a very hard undisputable condition for many i know who now leave spotify. Suggestions can be good (like many of you say), but don't push it hardcore. Many don't care and just want to hear their favorite music, without interuptions by suggestions.
Sometimes i also wonder, should i try it still, but then those stories come and that curiosity is gone instantly... It's not that I lack music, I got a vinyl collection of thousands and a NAS server with terrabites of (high res) digital music.
Streaming is challenging for Classical music especially, and where you want a specific recording. That's where CDs come in though. I'm not surprised that these global services don't cater well for niche markets and I don't think I expect them to
Heavy handed 'loudness' mastering is annoying. If I'm honest with myself I rarely actually notice this though, perhaps it's also less of a problem with the kind of music I tend to listen to. Not at all unique to streaming though