Major Contributor
Since the SB2000 Pro has it own high and low pass crossover you could just get a good DAC with a volume control and a remote like this one:
This will acccept USB input from your PC and output an analog signal over RCA (very important b/c the SB 2000 only accepts unbalance RCA signal). Costs only $139
Then you will need 4 unbalanced RCA cables to connect the SB 2000 to the DAC input, and for output to the amp. I'd suggest monoprice b/c they're inexpensive and well made.
Finally you will need a 2 channel amp, but only for the top end LS 50 Metas (the SVS has its own amp). If you want you can go for something expensive like Hypex NC 400 or Purifi EVAL 1 which Hypex and VTV sell. That could set you back as much as $1200. or you could buy something like the HYPEX NC252 which can be had from VTV for aound $600 or less if you want to order the parts and DIY.
Finally speaker cables. I recommend Canare Quad Star 4s11 which is around $70 for a 15 ft length or $140 for a pair (which you'll need).
I myself own a pair of LS50 Metas, an SVS S2000, I have a pair of original LS50s, I use canare speaker cable, monoprice interconnect, have a Octo Research DAC on order, and a Purifi Eval 1 amp (in the shop right now). I play it all from my PC (Netflix, Hulu, Qobuz streaming desktop apps) using J River as player, and send it all out over USB to the DAC/Preamp.
I speak from personal experience re what works with the LS 50s and SVS SB 2000.
The pieces I recommend will get you up and running and the SB2000 pro has its own app which works from you phone to dial in the sub and merge it will the LS 50's, so nothing like a miniDSP unit is needed for your set up.
This will acccept USB input from your PC and output an analog signal over RCA (very important b/c the SB 2000 only accepts unbalance RCA signal). Costs only $139
Then you will need 4 unbalanced RCA cables to connect the SB 2000 to the DAC input, and for output to the amp. I'd suggest monoprice b/c they're inexpensive and well made.
Finally you will need a 2 channel amp, but only for the top end LS 50 Metas (the SVS has its own amp). If you want you can go for something expensive like Hypex NC 400 or Purifi EVAL 1 which Hypex and VTV sell. That could set you back as much as $1200. or you could buy something like the HYPEX NC252 which can be had from VTV for aound $600 or less if you want to order the parts and DIY.
Finally speaker cables. I recommend Canare Quad Star 4s11 which is around $70 for a 15 ft length or $140 for a pair (which you'll need).
I myself own a pair of LS50 Metas, an SVS S2000, I have a pair of original LS50s, I use canare speaker cable, monoprice interconnect, have a Octo Research DAC on order, and a Purifi Eval 1 amp (in the shop right now). I play it all from my PC (Netflix, Hulu, Qobuz streaming desktop apps) using J River as player, and send it all out over USB to the DAC/Preamp.
I speak from personal experience re what works with the LS 50s and SVS SB 2000.
The pieces I recommend will get you up and running and the SB2000 pro has its own app which works from you phone to dial in the sub and merge it will the LS 50's, so nothing like a miniDSP unit is needed for your set up.
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