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All About UFO's

well you have various origin stories from your ancient tribal peoples - Orion's Belt and The Pleiades seem popular.

I am more with the idea that the aliens are inter-dimensional. You don't need to explain how they do FTL travel for that one.

Or the most - IMO - interesting one - they are human, and coming back in time from the distant future.

The Flux Capacitor is what makes time-travel possible.
This being ASR, it's important we put things on a scientific footing.
I listened to Sean Carroll AMA podcast yesterday. There were a couple questions regarding the recent Congressional hearings on UAP’s and he thought it was nonsense. Just sayin.
I wonder if these non-human biologics would prefer a margarita over a martini... just in case they do an Eddie-do-drop-in to our place.
I heard a conspiracy-ish discussion that the timing of the UFO hearings was to deflect.

Frankly, I find that conspiracy more viable proposition than keeping tequila, gin and vermouth around!
I don't think we are the most intelligent species.
If I was an alien I would run.

I could say plenty about the credibility of legislators that hail from Florida, but I don't need to. Just... show us the damn pictures if you want us to believe you!! It's been 50+ years of this charade and not one bit of hard evidence. "I swear I totally saw a picture of a UFO bro, trust" ... no.

At this rate we're going to get irrefutable ABX results from a $50K cable before we see proof of aliens. Not sure which end of that inequality is sadder.
Both personal testimonies and photographic evidence fall short of the stringent standards necessary for empirical substantiation. Their credibility is on par with pseudoscientific assertions, akin to those promoted by flat-Earth advocates. Indeed, many of the premises presented in this discourse are, at their most charitable interpretation, misguided.
Besides, if we are (currently) the most Intelligent species in the entire Universe, well then the Cosmos is really screwed;)

"Deteriorata" - National Lampoon​

You are a fluke of the universe. You have no right to be here.
Deteriorata. Deteriorata.

Go placidly amid the noise and waste,
And remember what comfort there may be in owning a piece thereof.
Avoid quiet and passive persons, unless you are in need of sleep.
Rotate your tires.
Speak glowingly of those greater than yourself,
And heed well their advice, even though they be turkeys.
Know what to kiss, and when.
Consider that two wrongs never make a right, but that three do.
Wherever possible, put people on hold.
Be comforted that in the face of all aridity and disillusionment,
and despite the changing fortunes of time,
There is always a big future in computer maintenance.

Remember The Pueblo.
Strive at all times to bend, fold, spindle, and mutilate.
Know yourself. If you need help, call the FBI.
Exercise caution in your daily affairs,
Especially with those persons closest to you -
That lemon on your left, for instance.
Be assured that a walk through the ocean of most souls
Would scarcely get your feet wet.
Fall not in love therefore. It will stick to your face.
Gracefully surrender the things of youth: birds, clean air, tuna, Taiwan.
And let not the sands of time get in your lunch.
Hire people with hooks.
For a good time, call 606-4311. Ask for Ken.
Take heart in the bedeepening gloom
That your dog is finally getting enough cheese.
And reflect that whatever fortune may be your lot,
It could only be worse in Milwaukee.

You are a fluke of the universe.
You have no right to be here.
And whether you can hear it or not,
The universe is laughing behind your back.

Therefore, make peace with your god,
Whatever you perceive him to be - hairy thunderer, or cosmic muffin.
With all its hopes, dreams, promises, and urban renewal,
The world continues to deteriorate.
Give up!

source: http://dmdb.org/lyrics/deteriorata.html

Professor Loeb says this object isn’t a “typical meteorite” because it displayed supreme “material strength” that is tough than rocks and displayed “propulsion,” which means to propelled forward on its own. He explained that he could not “quantify” the object that he was studying just yet.


Professor Loeb says this object isn’t a “typical meteorite” because it displayed supreme “material strength” that is tough than rocks and displayed “propulsion,” which means to propelled forward on its own. He explained that he could not “quantify” the object that he was studying just yet.

Professor Monica Grady (primarily known for her work on meteorites) wrote about this last month.

Loeb’s evidence for an extraterrestrial source for the material – never mind an interstellar origin – is rather shaky. He has found metallic spherules. For me (and many others) to accept that these spherules are extraterrestrial, I’d need firm analytical evidence. What is their composition? What is their age? Can we rule out terrestrial pollutants? Can we rule out debris from extraterrestrial material from within the Solar System?

The first question, about composition, has been answered: analysis of the spherules shows them to be mainly iron with a few trace metals.

We know meteors from our Solar System contain iron and nickel, echoing the relative abundances of these metals in the Sun. But the spherules apparently contain “negligible” amounts of nickel - thus indicating that they are almost certainly not from meteors within the Solar System. This does not, however, prove they are interstellar - it merely makes it more likely that they’re terrestrial pollutants.

The most convincing evidence would be to measure an age for the spherules greater than that of the Sun - which would identify them as interstellar.

And that would be amazing, but it would not necessarily identify them as having an artificial, rather than natural origin. I am not sure what evidence would be sufficiently convincing for this - maybe the autograph of the alien engineer who built the spacecraft?
Yeah, but he'll generate a lot of noise that will be taken as gospel by some.
And I'm sure the clickbait articles make lots of revenue.
Career in science not doing so hot? Why not try... PSEUDOSCIENCE! You get to pretend to be a scientist, but don't have to do real science. The catch: your audience is no longer other scientists, but morons on the internet. The upside: Make $$$ selling iffy supplements on your podcasts and poorly written books accusing "them" of hiding "the truth".

Loeb's seemingly made his choice...
Career in science not doing so hot? Why not try... PSEUDOSCIENCE! You get to pretend to be a scientist, but don't have to do real science. The catch: your audience is no longer other scientists, but morons on the internet. The upside: Make $$$ selling iffy supplements on your podcasts and poorly written books accusing "them" of hiding "the truth".

Loeb's seemingly made his choice...
Maybe that's it. He could just be crazy.
Maybe that's it. He could just be crazy.
It appears that Professor Loeb's imagination was fired by the observation of Oumuamua. Becoming driven and obsessive about an idea can lead to new discoveries and science, but...
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