It is a radio -- in fact, it is a stereo radio that had a matching 'satellite' speaker.
I actually had one, briefly, a long time ago -- a find from the "Yankee Swap" pile at the much beloved Harvard, MA town
dump transfer station.
Do you all
know about the traditions and cultural importance of small-town New England "dumps"?
swappile1 by
Mark Hardy, on Flickr
do miss the dump (since we moved to NH six years ago). My understanding is that the Harvard swap pile is no more, though
Our little town here doesn't have one -- although our daughter's & son-in-law's town (Grantham) does. Swap pile and all (well, not this year, due to the, you know, virus thing).
I grieve for it.
Much of my hifi has come from the dump -- yes, even some of the good stuff.
but I digress...