You probably have the 32v 5a power supply, that's what they were shipping out with the original A07 in most cases. And for nearfield or small room use, that should be fine for power supply. There's a lot of different feelings about the power supplies for these, but my general feeling is that pushing these small class D amps to the top of their limits with the 48v power supplies is less than ideal. With the 32v supply, my original A07 can get very loud with the volume knob only at 12 o'clock.
Great that you can try some different speakers with the A07, that will give you additional information. Would be good to swap in a direct source such as CD to see how that sound compares to your digital source. Ideally, listen to the same song or piece of music CD versus streaming.
Right now, I am using the new A07 MAX with a 36v 5a power supply with my first generation (c. 1990) Paradigm Titans (refoamed) and the combination sounds very, very good. If your speakers are older and have not been refoamed, that could of course be affecting your sound. Refoaming is not that hard, but it takes patience, or you can hire it done. Or, it may be time for new speakers to fine tune your nearfield setting. I have speakers as old as 1986 that have not been recapped, and they still sound fine; caps do age out and it can affect the sound, but usually not as dramatically as degraded foam or other speaker driver issues.