I guess the smiley face I put at the end did not convey the meaning.
You didn't put a smiley face... You put a wink. These emoji's all have certain connotations and implications when used. They are all dependant on circumstances and sentiment.
Your response
@Holmz was after actual heat issues occurred. After the SparkosLabs op-amps were installed - Not before.
You were fully abreast of the emergent situation and therefore your advisory statement was warranted and valid because it was from an informed position.
This was not the case BEFORE the SparkosLabs op-amps were installed, when I was simply applying a better thermal paste and a copper wafer to improve the efficiency of the thermal interface between the TPA3255 chip and the heatsink. This is where Marcos made his comment.
He "ignored" the information and its given context altogether and then attempted to advise me from a position of "ignorance" (not to be mistaken for stupidity)His response though is invalid because he chose to be uniformed. See the difference?
Let's be very clear. I don't need advising in this matter and that should be apparent because I didn't ask anyone about what I should do... I did not ask anyone for advice or guidance at all. I am here guiding and advising you.
Here's the rub
Offering advice without it being asked for, is for the most part considered offensive because it can be viewed that the advice giver thinks that the person he is advising is too stupid to know better. This is why you don't give advice unless it is asked for. Advice, when not asked for is discouraged because it is discourteous and rude
Now imagine how bad it is to give advice from an uninformed and ignorant position... This is what Marcos did. You Holmz, did not. This is why he was lambasted and you were not. This is why I corrected others as well.
Realize this.. I'm spearheading this endeavor alongside an electronics engineer who is well suited to the task. Doing this with the intention to save you all a load headaches in the future. You were all advised that I was working closely with the designer of the SparkosLabs op-amps. I am doing the work here so others can make an informed decision and avoid pitfalls. I am not here seeking advice, accolades, affirmation or validation. If any of you wanted to collaborate and work together, the door was always open. I am advising and guiding you through these processes and informing you. Let's try to remember this going forward.
So... Can we all move past this now? I'm kind of tired explaining commonly accepted scientific facts, common sense and common courtesy to people who should know better.
So back to the SUBJECT OF THE THREAD...
These are now the options...
In order to proceed using the amplifier under these emergent, extreme conditions... I would indeed need proper case venting and a fan. This was never in question and was planned for.
*However, one must consider this undertaking and take it seriously. Requiring the proper tools, skill and environment to safely modify the case so it doesn't look ridiculously hideous and doesn't cause health concerns from the aluminum waste that will be produced.
Modifying the case as such is the obvious necessary prerequisite for A FAN to even be effective. So stating we just need a fan... Is incorrect.
This was covered from the very beginning and anticipated just as the needed heatsinks for the voltage regulators were. Guess everyone skimmed those details and didn't catch on. At least that is what you all decided to prove. But regardless, I have already conveyed my sentiments about this A07 Pro...
How much money do you all want to spend to make this A07 "PRO" worth a damn? See my point yet?
So again... I can vent the case, run fans, whatever.. The point is - we shouldn't have to do any of this.
I can remove the SparkosLabs op-amps and reinstall the NE5532 op-amps. And under those conditions, a fan IS NOT necessary at all. Neither is case venting.
Why? Because of my improvements to the thermal interface. Without the Sparkos, the voltage regulators won't even get warm..
Will that be the case with other op-amps? Who knows... This what I am here to help you learn.
I will be conducting a few more tests... But I'm pretty much done trying to serve this community. It's way more trouble than it's worth.
I have outlined the issues that have arisen in this thread and I have asked Amir to lock it or delete it.
What ever he decides, I will abide by... But from here on out - You guys are on your own.