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Aiyima A07 PRO

I guess the larger issue is... We shouldn't actually need a fan. @trungdtmc is 100% right... The only reason we need a fan, heatsinks and a vented chassis is because the amplifier does such a poor job at being what it is supposed to be. It, in stock form, sounds worse than an A07 does in stock form. Is this acceptable? Is it "PRO"? So what constitutes it being "PRO"?

The marketing department.
Small update of the opamps change on my Aiyima a07 Pro. On Saturday I have received the OPA1612, I have already installed them and since that day they are working all day in the place where I had planned to use this amp.

What is my opinion from the subjectivity of just listening to music?, I think it is a great product considering its price. I don't see the point in comparing it to the Aiyima a07 for two simple reasons, the first is that I don't have an a07, and the second is that I simply needed the addition of Bluetooth. I have no doubt that the a07 is a great product, but in this specific case it is not exactly what I needed. However, seeing the quality of this product, I will definitely buy an a07 which is useful to use in another office I have.

At the moment I am using it connected to a Fosi T20 Tube Headphone Amp that I use as a preamp, and connected to two ELAC DBR 6.2, and I am extremely happy with the sound quality in this room.

I stress that this is a subjective opinion, based simply on my enjoyment of music, as I am one of those people who enjoys spending more time listening to music, than getting lost reading charts. We are all different in our hobbies, and the audio hobby reminds me a lot of my other two hobbies. I have been a photographer for over 25 years, and I play electric bass.

In the world of photography I have seen and participated in eternal chats of people lost in tables of MTF resolution of photographic lenses, who simply have never been able to really enjoy photography, they have simply been lost in technical data that has not helped them at all.

And in musical instruments, I have seen perhaps the same amount of hours of people discussing about wood grams, or guitar microphones/electric basses, and they never really knew how to really use the resources in a better way. I have a Fender Jazz Bass 70s, its mics make more noise than when you make popcorn at home, but every time someone listens to it on a recording, they are always mesmerized by how good it is on a full recording with all the instruments together.

All this is just mentioned for what I said at the beginning, it's my subjective opinion which is summarized in: I love the sound of this amp, and the OPA1612's have been fantastic for it. I also don't see the point in spending more on an amp of this type. The total cost was 180€, Aiyima 07 Pro + PSU 36v6a + 5 OPA1612, and I think it's a good price for what you get.. If I had to go over the 200€ barrier, I would simply buy a Topping PA5.

Here are some pictures of the opamps change:


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I guess the smiley face I put at the end did not convey the meaning.


You didn't put a smiley face... You put a wink. These emoji's all have certain connotations and implications when used. They are all dependant on circumstances and sentiment.

Your response @Holmz was after actual heat issues occurred. After the SparkosLabs op-amps were installed - Not before.

You were fully abreast of the emergent situation and therefore your advisory statement was warranted and valid because it was from an informed position.

This was not the case BEFORE the SparkosLabs op-amps were installed, when I was simply applying a better thermal paste and a copper wafer to improve the efficiency of the thermal interface between the TPA3255 chip and the heatsink. This is where Marcos made his comment.

He "ignored" the information and its given context altogether and then attempted to advise me from a position of "ignorance" (not to be mistaken for stupidity)His response though is invalid because he chose to be uniformed. See the difference?

Let's be very clear. I don't need advising in this matter and that should be apparent because I didn't ask anyone about what I should do... I did not ask anyone for advice or guidance at all. I am here guiding and advising you.

Here's the rub
* Offering advice without it being asked for, is for the most part considered offensive because it can be viewed that the advice giver thinks that the person he is advising is too stupid to know better. This is why you don't give advice unless it is asked for. Advice, when not asked for is discouraged because it is discourteous and rude

Now imagine how bad it is to give advice from an uninformed and ignorant position... This is what Marcos did. You Holmz, did not. This is why he was lambasted and you were not. This is why I corrected others as well.

Realize this.. I'm spearheading this endeavor alongside an electronics engineer who is well suited to the task. Doing this with the intention to save you all a load headaches in the future. You were all advised that I was working closely with the designer of the SparkosLabs op-amps. I am doing the work here so others can make an informed decision and avoid pitfalls. I am not here seeking advice, accolades, affirmation or validation. If any of you wanted to collaborate and work together, the door was always open. I am advising and guiding you through these processes and informing you. Let's try to remember this going forward.

So... Can we all move past this now? I'm kind of tired explaining commonly accepted scientific facts, common sense and common courtesy to people who should know better.

So back to the SUBJECT OF THE THREAD...

These are now the options...

In order to proceed using the amplifier under these emergent, extreme conditions... I would indeed need proper case venting and a fan. This was never in question and was planned for.

*However, one must consider this undertaking and take it seriously. Requiring the proper tools, skill and environment to safely modify the case so it doesn't look ridiculously hideous and doesn't cause health concerns from the aluminum waste that will be produced.

Modifying the case as such is the obvious necessary prerequisite for A FAN to even be effective. So stating we just need a fan... Is incorrect.

This was covered from the very beginning and anticipated just as the needed heatsinks for the voltage regulators were. Guess everyone skimmed those details and didn't catch on. At least that is what you all decided to prove. But regardless, I have already conveyed my sentiments about this A07 Pro...

How much money do you all want to spend to make this A07 "PRO" worth a damn? See my point yet?

So again... I can vent the case, run fans, whatever.. The point is - we shouldn't have to do any of this.


I can remove the SparkosLabs op-amps and reinstall the NE5532 op-amps. And under those conditions, a fan IS NOT necessary at all. Neither is case venting.

Why? Because of my improvements to the thermal interface. Without the Sparkos, the voltage regulators won't even get warm..

Will that be the case with other op-amps? Who knows... This what I am here to help you learn.

I will be conducting a few more tests... But I'm pretty much done trying to serve this community. It's way more trouble than it's worth.

I have outlined the issues that have arisen in this thread and I have asked Amir to lock it or delete it.

What ever he decides, I will abide by... But from here on out - You guys are on your own.
Small update of the opamps change on my Aiyima a07 Pro. On Saturday I have received the OPA1612, I have already installed them and since that day they are working all day in the place where I had planned to use this amp.

What is my opinion from the subjectivity of just listening to music?, I think it is a great product considering its price. I don't see the point in comparing it to the Aiyima a07 for two simple reasons, the first is that I don't have an a07, and the second is that I simply needed the addition of Bluetooth. I have no doubt that the a07 is a great product, but in this specific case it is not exactly what I needed. However, seeing the quality of this product, I will definitely buy an a07 which is useful to use in another office I have.

At the moment I am using it connected to a Fosi T20 Tube Headphone Amp that I use as a preamp, and connected to two ELAC DBR 6.2, and I am extremely happy with the sound quality in this room.

I stress that this is a subjective opinion, based simply on my enjoyment of music, as I am one of those people who enjoys spending more time listening to music, than getting lost reading charts. We are all different in our hobbies, and the audio hobby reminds me a lot of my other two hobbies. I have been a photographer for over 25 years, and I play electric bass.

In the world of photography I have seen and participated in eternal chats of people lost in tables of MTF resolution of photographic lenses, who simply have never been able to really enjoy photography, they have simply been lost in technical data that has not helped them at all.

And in musical instruments, I have seen perhaps the same amount of hours of people discussing about wood grams, or guitar microphones/electric basses, and they never really knew how to really use the resources in a better way. I have a Fender Jazz Bass 70s, its mics make more noise than when you make popcorn at home, but every time someone listens to it on a recording, they are always mesmerized by how good it is on a full recording with all the instruments together.

I'm out...

All this is just mentioned for what I said at the beginning, it's my subjective opinion which is summarized in: I love the sound of this amp, and the OPA1612's have been fantastic for it. I also don't see the point in spending more on an amp of this type. The total cost was 180€, Aiyima 07 Pro + PSU 36v5a + 5 OPA1612, and I think it's a good price for what you get.. If I had to go over the 200€ barrier, I would simply buy a Topping PA5.

Here are some pictures of the opamps change:
View attachment 254233

View attachment 254234

View attachment 254232
Great Post... Toss the community a link to those op-amps and Enjoy!

The only reason one would compare the A07 pro to the A07 is because "pro" indicates it surpasses the original.

I totally agree that the Bluetooth side of things with the A07 Pro is phenomenal sounding. No need for op-amp swapping at all actually. I was really impressed.

But the RCA input, which would be a direct comparison to what the original A07 offered is very different sounding. Very dull, unimpressive, rolled off on the ends and bumped up in the low mids. The A07 in comparison sounds much, much better. Very close to what the A07 pro sounds like through Bluetooth with the stock op-amps.

I really wish I had a need for a Bluetooth Amp. I have it in my DAC's

Great post! & great pics! Pop a temp gauge on your voltage regulators and see what they read. The community, I'm sure will benefit from and appreciate it. The temps of the regulators is the most important thing to observe. Because of what op-amps do... Those can heat up to much and fail. That's why I'm not going to be able to recommend the SparkosLabs for the A07 pro.

I too agree that spending a ton on this amp... Just to make it sound decent isn't smart. It just doesn't come close to the A07's that I own. And for that money... I agree... Buy a better amplifier.

Note : An A07 you buy today should have their crosstalk reversed L/R fixed. That will be dependant on where you buy it and if they have newer stock vs old.

They have different components inside compared to previous lots. I bought 4. The 4th I returned for this very reason. They are all different. Some have lower voltage tolerances some higher. Different caps in each unit. Differently wound inductors. This has has also been reported by others here that different lots present with different components... Many of these Chi-Fi companies also start with good components and then phase them out for cheaper ones. Some put top components into review units and then cheaper ones in the retail offering. But in fairness... The differing components was also most definitely affected by the reported supply issues that nearly everyone faced. But it also happened before this.

Seriously, I can't even advise whether or not to get an A07 from Amazon or direct from Aiyima... Or another source. Try Amazon though first I guess. If you do get one.. That way you have a decent no hassle return window.

Enjoy your A07 pro... And don't forget to give the community some links to those OPA1612's you acquired.
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Hey gang.. I need to bring your attention to some details.

I find it interesting that there is no negative leads attached to the speaker binding posts. Not that I can see. See the pics.

Also... I have confirmed that SparkosLabs op-amps or larger IC op-amps on Dip8 boards will fit or should fit in U16 without contact with the heatsink.

However, you could reduce that edge by removing it and sanding that edge down a bit. Make sure you have thermal paste for the chip if you remove it. Clean it up and apply new paste. Many of you will know this

In the other positions, larger op-amps like a staccato won't work in any position. The sockets are just too close together.

Burson's should fit. The case will need to be cut or their adapters used. I am working to secure a set because based on the research done by others. A combination of Sparkos and Burson V6 vivids will yield the best results.

In the position relationship between U3 and U8. The SparkosLabs are kind of tight. But appear to be fine.

If you do use any discrete op-amps in these positions... In U2, U3 and U8 you will need Dip8 risers. You will not necessarily need any risers on U9 and U16.

If you are rolling Burr Browns, you will most likely need risers in the same positions.

Also... It is important to note that it literally makes no sense what the Aiyima rep said about these op-amp positions.

The rep said...

"U8 input buffer amplification

U9 Tone

U2 left channel single end differential

U3 right channel single turn differential

U16 aux output buffer
This is the reference corresponding to the operational amplifier chip"

We can make sense of U8, U9, and U16

However... The wording used by Aiyima rep for U2 and U3 do not make any sense at all.

First... The amp has no balanced output or input. It is single ended. So using the term differential in describing U2 and U3 makes no sense. It is single ended, period.

Secondly, you cannot find any audio references in regards to single turn differential... You get automotive information.

So.. It begs the question why would the Aiyima Rep tell us the U2 and U3 do two distinctly different things... This makes absolutely no sense at all.

In discussing this with others, they agree that the Aiyima rep either is steeped in a language barrier issue. Or they just don't know enough to convey accurately.

Take that for what its worth and remember that this was the same rep that advised me incorrectly about my power supply, amp and my speakers in regards to my original A07
you can check again, 2 output pin of each op-amp are wiring to 2 10uf nichicon bp, there are 2 differential input.
Small update of the opamps change on my Aiyima a07 Pro. On Saturday I have received the OPA1612, I have already installed them and since that day they are working all day in the place where I had planned to use this amp.

What is my opinion from the subjectivity of just listening to music?, I think it is a great product considering its price. I don't see the point in comparing it to the Aiyima a07 for two simple reasons, the first is that I don't have an a07, and the second is that I simply needed the addition of Bluetooth. I have no doubt that the a07 is a great product, but in this specific case it is not exactly what I needed. However, seeing the quality of this product, I will definitely buy an a07 which is useful to use in another office I have.

At the moment I am using it connected to a Fosi T20 Tube Headphone Amp that I use as a preamp, and connected to two ELAC DBR 6.2, and I am extremely happy with the sound quality in this room.

I stress that this is a subjective opinion, based simply on my enjoyment of music, as I am one of those people who enjoys spending more time listening to music, than getting lost reading charts. We are all different in our hobbies, and the audio hobby reminds me a lot of my other two hobbies. I have been a photographer for over 25 years, and I play electric bass.

In the world of photography I have seen and participated in eternal chats of people lost in tables of MTF resolution of photographic lenses, who simply have never been able to really enjoy photography, they have simply been lost in technical data that has not helped them at all.

And in musical instruments, I have seen perhaps the same amount of hours of people discussing about wood grams, or guitar microphones/electric basses, and they never really knew how to really use the resources in a better way. I have a Fender Jazz Bass 70s, its mics make more noise than when you make popcorn at home, but every time someone listens to it on a recording, they are always mesmerized by how good it is on a full recording with all the instruments together.

All this is just mentioned for what I said at the beginning, it's my subjective opinion which is summarized in: I love the sound of this amp, and the OPA1612's have been fantastic for it. I also don't see the point in spending more on an amp of this type. The total cost was 180€, Aiyima 07 Pro + PSU 36v6a + 5 OPA1612, and I think it's a good price for what you get.. If I had to go over the 200€ barrier, I would simply buy a Topping PA5.

Here are some pictures of the opamps change:
View attachment 254233

View attachment 254234

View attachment 254232
as i know, opa1612 is best for i/v or SE to Differential convert circuit, i don't think it good for buffer circuit
I am still messing around with my standard A07 which I have coupled with the rather impressive tiny Aiyima T6 Pro preamp (great bluetooth on this one) and in fact just ordered a few opa2134 for a little rolling. Currently I am using the LM4562 in an Aiyima A07 and they work fine. The LM4562 A07 does work really well if you feed it with a good preamp like the Aiyima T6 Pro which also is flexible when it comes to op amps. I tested a few different op amps including the Oracle 02 which are decent but lack low end grunt, great vocals and highs though. In both units I found the best combination, to my ears at least so far are the opa2604 in the preamp output stage of the T6 Pro and the LM4562 in the A07. I am using the Oracle 02 op amps for the headphone output. The sound is really good with the opa2604 providing some low end weight to the LM4562 which in turn is providing a nice level of detail, they really go well together with this set up. I used a pair of Mullards 5654 8100 valves in the T6 Pro which is an improvement over the stock Jan 5654 valves. Overall a very pleasing combination all round and a great sound for little money comparatively. It’s a full rich sound (at least for class d) with great vocals, detailed highs, and beefy low end thanks to the opa2604 and the Mullards. Intentions are in a few days to roll the opa2134 in the A07 to see if they outperform the LM4562 but in all honesty the 2604/4562 op amp combo is something that already gives me the energy to get up and power up my system with with a big grin, mission somewhat accomplished. I think due to new caps the new A07 Pro might have the edge over the very similar newly upgraded Fosi Audio unit that sports the same chip and similar design, currently waiting for further revelation on these two units before I consider either one but I reckon the new A07 Pro just might edge the Fosi out. I also compensated for the heat generated in the A07.
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Great Post... Toss the community a link to those op-amps and Enjoy!

The only reason one would compare the A07 pro to the A07 is because "pro" indicates it surpasses the original.

I totally agree that the Bluetooth side of things with the A07 Pro is phenomenal sounding. No need for op-amp swapping at all actually. I was really impressed.

But the RCA input, which would be a direct comparison to what the original A07 offered is very different sounding. Very dull, unimpressive, rolled off on the ends and bumped up in the low mids. The A07 in comparison sounds much, much better. Very close to what the A07 pro sounds like through Bluetooth with the stock op-amps.

I really wish I had a need for a Bluetooth Amp. I have it in my DAC's

Great post! & great pics! Pop a temp gauge on your voltage regulators and see what they read. The community, I'm sure will benefit from and appreciate it. The temps of the regulators is the most important thing to observe. Because of what op-amps do... Those can heat up to much and fail. That's why I'm not going to be able to recommend the SparkosLabs for the A07 pro.

I too agree that spending a ton on this amp... Just to make it sound decent isn't smart. It just doesn't come close to the A07's that I own. And for that money... I agree... Buy a better amplifier.

Note : An A07 you buy today should have their crosstalk reversed L/R fixed. That will be dependant on where you buy it and if they have newer stock vs old.

They have different components inside compared to previous lots. I bought 4. The 4th I returned for this very reason. They are all different. Some have lower voltage tolerances some higher. Different caps in each unit. Differently wound inductors. This has has also been reported by others here that different lots present with different components... Many of these Chi-Fi companies also start with good components and then phase them out for cheaper ones. Some put top components into review units and then cheaper ones in the retail offering. But in fairness... The differing components was also most definitely affected by the reported supply issues that nearly everyone faced. But it also happened before this.

Seriously, I can't even advise whether or not to get an A07 from Amazon or direct from Aiyima... Or another source. Try Amazon though first I guess. If you do get one.. That way you have a decent no hassle return window.

Enjoy your A07 pro... And don't forget to give the community some links to those OPA1612's you acquired.
Really, oh, thats a bit disappointing to read concerning the duller sound from the RCA. I guess I will just stick with the standard A07 for now as I have the T6 Pro which also has good Bluetooth although the Aiyima T10 preamp is another consideration that has some good reviews here and there but nothing concrete as of yet. I would go straight to Aiyima or Ali Express. Here in the UK on the Amazon site they only sell the A07 version with lower caps ie 50v whereas Aiyima direct or Ali express will supply you with the 63v version.
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This is a biased article making fun of the concepts it speaks of and is not an accurate depiction of any of the characterizations.

sigma male

A more internally-focused sibling to the alpha male. While the alpha male quantifies himself on his high position in the social hierarchy, a sigma male prefers to forego the social hierarchy and need for external validation altogether and pursue internal strength instead. Essentially a "loner" or a stray man, although sigma males may have a close circle of friends and loved ones with whom they share a deep connection. The sigma male is not socially inept but simply socially disinterested. Prefers solitary activities where he doesn't have to play social politics and can simply focus on himself. The sigma male accepts that he does not need power over others as the alpha male desires, but rather needs only power to control himself and preserve his own autonomy from others.

Not to be confused with simply being an unlikeable asshole, edgelord, or misfit.
Lol...I am a touch sigma then...still it's nice to be known to some degree but not judged.
As far as temperatures and "needing" a fan...

It is best to be familiar with what the industry itself says on the topic.

Conventional electronic components are designed to operate over a specified temperature range with upper limits generally set at 70°C for commercial applications, 85°C for industrial applications, and 125°C for military applications.

The hottest running component in my setup with the SparkosLabs SS3602 installed is 63°C and this is running it with a voltage of 40V 10A

At 36V 10A the hottest chip, the same 12V regulator, has a temperature of 58.3°C

This is normal. Therefore, I do not need a fan. I only need to vent the enclosure. And even this is just a preferential choice. Not a necessity nor a requirement.

This is why monitoring the temps of the voltage regulators is important. If you are experiencing temps over 158°F or 70°C. Then you will need to be concerned.

When we roll op-amps, this is what they do.

They amplify the differences in voltage between two inputs.

They are linear device that have all the properties required for nearly ideal DC amplification. Used extensively in signal conditioning, filtering or to perform mathematical operations such as add, subtract, integration and differentiation.

The point is - temps are expected to go up. But the voltage you run this amp at will play a larger part in how hot it gets. Much more so than an op-amp. But op-amps definitely play a role because of what they do to amplify DC voltages with the components they are attached to.

This is why we watch the temps on the 2, 12V regulators. We obviously want to avoid catastrophic failure.

So unless you are soaring above 158°F on these regulators... You'll be fine.

I personally think all these amps should have vented cases. No matter what configuration they're in.
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Really, oh, thats a bit disappointing to read concerning the duller sound from the RCA. I guess I will just stick with the standard A07 for now as I have the T6 Pro which also has good Bluetooth although the Aiyima T10 preamp is another consideration that has some good reviews here and there but nothing concrete as of yet. I would go straight to Aiyima or Ali Express. Here in the UK on the Amazon site they only sell the A07 version with lower caps ie 50v whereas Aiyima direct or Ali express will supply you with the 63v version.
Good post.. This is true in regards to the lots these retail outlets have .

However my latest A07, direct from Aiyima had 50v but the uf was a bit higher. I have seen ranges of 1000uf to 1200uf in this unit.

My A07 pro has a 20x40mm 50V 3300uf cap. This can easily be swapped for a Nichicon 63V 3300uf for $5.00 USD

Those 4 little nichicon 25v 10uf muse caps are an end-of-life product as far as my research has determined, so at some point these will be no longer available. Just a heads up on that one

As far as how it sounds though... My op-amp choice made a huge improvement. Do I recommend it... Sure. Well, yes and no.

I am sure there are cheaper solutions. It really matters most in regards to your preferences. Mixing op-amps will often provide results you didn't expect. Many people I know love to use the Sparkos in the volume stages and Burson in the gain stages. Stating that "this" is the of best everything. But that is also in combination with the other components in the system they are experiencing.

I have yet to experience that for myself. But this information does come from credible sources who live in and love the industry. But it's also not the end all - be all solution. Your ears, trained or not, your bias... Your preferences in regards to bass, mids and treble.. That is what counts.

The only thing that can be done is to experiment and experience.

But this can be, heck - IS costly and very time consuming. The many possible combinations are daunting.

I think many will find the stock unit fine, especially for Bluetooth use. Even without LDAC support, it sound really good.

But I also think that someone will find a combination of IC op-amps may prove to be, in their opinion, the end all-be all solution. Which can then be assessed by others.

Many people just want to listen and enjoy. Without spending $500+/- in op-amps to get there.

NE5532P for 5 of them costs only $3.45 USD. - This, in case the stock are fake. Which they often times are as others have reported.

OPA2134PA costs $30.75 for 5

OPA1612 dual OPA is about $60 USD for 5 from Audiophonics.fr - not including shipping

If we only had 10 different op-amps to choose from and we use the same op-amp in the U8 & U9 positions. That would be 210 different combinations. If we just addded 2 more op-amps to test... That number jumps to 495 combinations to try... Yikes!

Now add all that time for swapping and listening sessions.

You're heading somewhere toward 500-600 hours or more of listening here with 20 songs at 3min. each.. And that doesn't even count the amount of time and effort to narrow it all down to favorites.

Even if I had endless cash and the best amplifier in the world... If it had 5 op-amp sockets. This undertaking would still be monumental.

And it's ultimately chasing something you convinced yourself existed and that you believed you could catch.

Double Yikes!
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Agreed, I currently have the A07 equipped with the well known LM4562 while in the Aiyima T6 Pro preamp output stage I have popped in a couple of burr brown opa2604 feeding this via an Hidizs S3 Pro ESS9018 dac from the mac mini has actually turned out to be a very nice all round combination (currently waiting for an Topping E50 to arrive from ShenzhenAudio) I also swapped out the stock Jan5654 valves from the T6 and wiggled in a couple of Mullard 5654 8100 valves which are a nice fuller sounding valve with good detail. So with the thicker sound of the opa2604 and Mullard valves meeting the more analytical LM4562 before the speakers it came out as a full and detailed combination, quite happy for now but have just ordered 4 Burr Brown opa2134 so will be rolling again later at some point but for now the Mullard 5654/opa2604/opa4562 really does work nice.
I am still messing around with my standard A07 which I have coupled with the rather impressive tiny Aiyima T6 Pro preamp (great bluetooth on this one) and in fact just ordered a few opa2134 for a little rolling. Currently I am using the LM4562 in an Aiyima A07 and they work fine. The LM4562 A07 does work really well if you feed it with a good preamp like the Aiyima T6 Pro which also is flexible when it comes to op amps. I tested a few different op amps including the Oracle 02 which are decent but lack low end grunt, great vocals and highs though. In both units I found the best combination, to my ears at least so far are the opa2604 in the preamp output stage of the T6 Pro and the LM4562 in the A07. I am using the Oracle 02 op amps for the headphone output. The sound is really good with the opa2604 providing some low end weight to the LM4562 which in turn is providing a nice level of detail, they really go well together with this set up. I used a pair of Mullards 5654 8100 valves in the T6 Pro which is an improvement over the stock Jan 5654 valves. Overall a very pleasing combination all round and a great sound for little money comparatively. It’s a full rich sound (at least for class d) with great vocals, detailed highs, and beefy low end thanks to the opa2604 and the Mullards. Intentions are in a few days to roll the opa2134 in the A07 to see if they outperform the LM4562 but in all honesty the 2604/4562 op amp combo is something that already gives me the energy to get up and power up my system with with a big grin, mission somewhat accomplished. I think due to new caps the new A07 Pro might have the edge over the very similar newly upgraded Fosi Audio unit that sports the same chip and similar design, currently waiting for further revelation on these two units before I consider either one but I reckon the new A07 Pro just might edge the Fosi out. I also compensated for the heat generated in the A07. View attachment 254461
Whoah... Hey... Very nice - I want to know more. Gotta read this I love your solution for the top. Mine is a bit different with a line of holes on each side, a row on back and an array over the main sink. I went with a red knob..

So cool! But now I want to read it and see if I have questions. BBIAW
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Why are monolithic IC opamps an abject failure in regards to audio....

Why choose Discrete? Because Discrete op-amps can do what monolithic op-amps cannot.

I am still testing and listening... I need about $400 in liquid and free funds to take my testing to the next level. A staccato dual op-amp for personal testing... But 2 Burson V6 Vivid also need to be acquired for the A07 pro.

Sparkos is way better than anything in the IC op-amp market... But, mixing that with Burson Vivid V6 seems to be what sounds best. If only Aiyima would give us the actual information about each op-amp socket. Because what they posted about U8 and U9 is not possible and ridiculous. Left and right channels cannot be doing 2 different things to each channel. The fact that nobody picked up on that astounds me.
I just noticed these dual discrete Douk/Nobsound ones on eBay...stated as replacements for NE5532...wonder how they would compare to the Sparkos? $37 each? Has anyone tried?


I got my LM4562s from Mouser and installed them in the Aiyima 04 to start with...good sound, but don't notice any huge difference from the stock 5532s...

The Burson Vivid V6 ones look amazing, but at 29 mm high, they would be too tall for the Aiyima A07 case, right?
You would definitely need to modify the case for the Burson... Even though they make a Dip8 extender that you could use to lay components down... The A07 Pro does not have enough room to do that.

IC op-amps though cannot do what Discrete op-amps do. Many of the IC ones do sound the same and/or similar to each other... But it depends on the circuitry within the device. Tough to know what the A07 pro is doing in U8 and U9. I assume it is output gain stage with a couple of other things happening.

Many companies decide to go with an op-amp they can buy in bulk for cheap. Then they design the circuit around the characteristics of that op-amp. Actually, most if not all do.

Take 2 op-amps... And let's say you have input volume stage and then a gain stage socket... One op-amp might yield better results in the first stage over the other and vice versa. Replacing every socket with one op-amp model won't incrementally increase anything in particular along the path at each stage because they are all doing different things. You have to know what to listen for. If your op-amp is designed to do something well or more efficient, with better end results, then maybe it is well suited for that stage.

This is why some have found great results with a Sparkos in the volume stage and the Burson in the output gain stage. These do similar things, but the end results are that they sound different from each other and those difference are noticeable. Put them together though and you can get the best of both worlds... But only in that configurationkfor certain devices) . Swapping the Burson to the volume stage and the SparkoS to the gain stage doesn't give the same results.

Lachlan explains his experiences here.

In my case... I would try the Burson in U2 and U3 and the SparkoS in U8 and U9 and possibly U16... But U16 really depends on what you are doing with the A07 Pro. If you are not attaching anything to the 3.5mm line out, then you don't even need to swap out the stock op-amp for that position. But let's say if you are running out to a subwoofer amp or a powered sub. You don't need any super bright, top end clarity for that. So no need for a V6 vivid there. I fact, you don't really need a discrete op-amp there at all. Even if running to another small amp. Not unless you want to. The other amp may have it's own thing going on that you can look into... So if going 3.5mm out to another, let's say A07, you could put a sparkos there and then put 2 Burson in the A07.

But the bottom line is... You have to put the time in, if this is what you want to do, in order to find the best possible sound. It can be fun, but depending on your situation, it could also be cost prohibitive.

Many will be happy with this amp as is. Many won't care or don't have the ears to hear.

My thread was primarily about the A07 pro and Sparkos only... But I find that even though I know Andrew and know what these SS3602's do that no other op-amp can... It doesn't automatically make it the best performer overall. None of them are. Only by mixing them up, safely... Can you find what really sounds good to you. Only by trying them out at the various stages can you find what works best where.

Or you could be lucky and be someone who can't actually hear the differences in op-amps, cables and dacs. I'm not that lucky.
Yeah, it's probably too far down the rabbit hole for me, given my hearing and general easy-going listening attitude. The 4562s are good but they were just a $15 experiment. I doubt I'd get enough added value from the Sparkos. My current combination of an older preamp going into the A07 or A04 is working well for when I need phono or convenience...otherwise I can go direct from source to amp. I do think Aiyima and SMSL would benefit from concentrating their product lines a bit. There are so many versions and variations, it's hard to keep track. I don't really like where Aiyima is going, with the VU meters and all.

I'm certainly intrigued by the design and the concept of the discrete op-amps, but if I were to buy a pair, it would probably be for an amp that is more of an investment piece...

Down the road, I will probably buy either a Schiit Vidar 2 or a Hypex amp from a a US maker... Currently no urgent need for 100+ wpc but perhaps eventually...
New Q: Has anyone here tried this smaller size Burson op-amp in the Aiyima A07 amp?

Supreme Sound Opamp V5i

Site says they are compatible with NE5532 op-amp use and size looks right compared to other Burson products...looks like cost is $80 for two duals. That would be half the cost of the Sparkos. They seem to be a hybrid design with IC + discrete components.

Also, question asked on another thread that I never saw answered - what is the function of each of the op-amp positions in the A07? IE, what does the left one do versus the right?
New Q: Has anyone here tried this smaller size Burson op-amp in the Aiyima A07 amp?

Supreme Sound Opamp V5i

Site says they are compatible with NE5532 op-amp use and size looks right compared to other Burson products...looks like cost is $80 for two duals. That would be half the cost of the Sparkos. They seem to be a hybrid design with IC + discrete components.

Also, question asked on another thread that I never saw answered - what is the function of each of the op-amp positions in the A07? IE, what does the left one do versus the right?
This is a thread on the A07 Pro. Not the A07. Just so you are aware. When referring to either amplifier, just make clear distinctions throughout your posting. It is preferred though to talk about the A07 in their own threads.

This is also a question you could message Aiyima directly about. Being that they undoubtedly could furbish an answer. We here are also dealing with a somewhat clear/yet unclear understanding of the sockets we have in the A07 pro.
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