I think you forgot to indicate at the beginning of this thread what is and what is not allowed to be said here, so we don't bother you with comments that may offend you. Unbelievable.
Welcome to ASR where you are expected to do your due diligence when it comes to reading, comprehending and responding to posts. To know what you're talking about, and if you make particular types of claims - to be able to back them up with facts, data or logic.
You are new here - This correction is being offered as a courtesy - for your convenience. You may or may not read this.. But I refuse to be labeled incorrectly and I reserve the right to express and defend my position and have it understood clearly. My apologies to the other members of this community.
This isn't the place for the type of drama you tried to incite here. I don't need to post rules in my thread for you to know that.
A good tip for staying on topic is knowing what the topic is... Reading, being informed, paying attention to details, etc.
To further, in reply... There are no indicators at all that I was offended. So you're just projecting that onto my response to him to illicit something or be provocative. . Feel good about that?
I'm calling you out now publicly because you decided to do the same to me. If you want to make something more out this than what actually is... And falsely accuse me of something... Then you're at the wrong forum and perhaps you should excuse yourself and find another community.
Think... He made a two word response. What was his response based on and what was it designed to do?
His response was based on him, not reading and not actually understanding the context of the quoted item. Is that a logical approach? Is that respectful? Do you think that if someone quotes you... They should at least understand the context in which your quote comes from? or would you find this kind of blatant disregard offensive?
So... What was the context? Addressing the heatsink and improving it. Correct?
What does "A fan" mean then? It means he didn't even bother to comprehend and understand the context of the text he quoted before he replied. That is disrespectful. Is this what ASR is all about?
His reply, when he quoted me out of context is what then? Scientific? Smart? Logical? Respectful? Is it even informed? It's none of those things... Is that what ASR is all about?
What I did was expose how his two word answer was irrelevant based on his disregard for what the quoted statement used actually meant and what the context was. Does his and your blatant disregard for these facts align with the creed of this community? No they do not.
He could have simply apologized for not reading and fully understanding what I was conveying. Did he? No.
So... Are unsubstantiated, taken out of context, uninformed comments the accepted norm here? Or is it requested that people actually read, comprehend and be informed so they can have relevant responses? How can you participate in any discussion if you blatantly disregard common sense, common courtesy and choose to be uninformed? You cannot.
I then asked him to elaborate and clarify how he thought, based on facts, that a fan would work. Will a fan work to cool components inside a sealed box? The answer is no.
So... It is your contention that me asking him to back his statement with facts, elaborate or clarify, somehow is incorrect for me to do - here at ASR?
So ask yourself... Why is he posting a two word response that shows no regard for the content he is responding to? What are his goals? To help me? How exactly can he help when he never bothered to understand what he was replying to? Was I asking for help or advice? Or was I making a statement based on facts?
Here is a hint... The little emoji on the end of his 2 word reply conveys his motivation... His response wasn't helpful, it was moreover a jab. I know it and he knows it too. And you're defending that? Unbelievable!
You've either missed all of this or have chosen to ignore it... So your response is what is actually unbelievable. Your response is offensive. You have the unmitigated gall to come here and bring drama to my post by expressing yourself in the same uniformed and ignorant way he did in an attempt to correct or shine a negative light on me?
Your response is offensive to everything this community stands for. Because you brought drama by defended him when you, yourself were guilty of the same exact thing he was.
The problem is, In regards to my response to him - That I'm right. This is fact... Not opinion. Better thermal paste and using a wafer of copper will be more effective at removing heat from the tpa3255 chip than what was used. This is a known fact. And because I am not making claims to how many degrees cooler my methods gain me, etc. I am not required to show measurements. I bought the - best available to me - thermal paste for this application and copper is proven to be more thermally conductive than aluminum.
This was the context he removed when he quoted only part of my statement and replied with "A fan"
So basically, you are offended that I require people to read and comprehend the information posted so they can actually have an informed reply... and that they clarify their response by elaborating when asked. You actually need rules like this posted for you? Unbelievable.
My apologies again to the other members who are following this thread. I'm SIGMA and I don't tolerate this kind of ridiculousness in anyone. I see right through it and I call it out... You don't like it... That's on you... Be better or move along.