First, this is an analysis and discussion of current consumers' sentiment of Chinese HiFi brands after a remarkable and disruptive market entry; this is not a bashing of Chinese HiFi brands, so please be respectful and fair with your comments.
Moderators, I am not sure how you feel about this thread but if you don't think this thread is appropriate, please kindly intervene.
Clarification: I am not talking about Chinese manufacturing, I am talking about HiFi brands that are Chinese in origin, where the corporate headquarter is in China, and the design and engineering are conducted physically in China and the businesses sells the products as their own brand.
Some background: For many decades Chinese companies has been OEM and ODM manufacturers for ages. It started off with their manufacturing quality being not so great to mastering it. Many factories are ISO certified and the quality of some of their high end manufacturing is quite impressive. In fact, all of your revered Revel speakers, including the Salon, are made in China, not to mention your iPhones and much more.
Over the years and decades these Chinese OEM/ODM has gain experience and skills (albeit some are forced technology transfer by way of doing business in China and some are, let's be very honest here and call it what it is, patent and trade secret infringements, but that's besides the point). As the Chinese economy grows so are their ambition to move up in the value chain.
Instead of being OEM/ODM, it's time to market their own designs and products to the international market. Hence, the birth of many domestic branded companies and products, and in the world of HiFi, they are the trail blazing, high end, Matrix Audio and Denafrips, followed by superior performance market leaders such as Topping, SMSL, Gustard to name a few.
But what is so special about these Chinese HiFi brands? Superior audio performance (objective of course, this is ASR after all) at unheard of price points. A $800 DAC will out perform audibly anything Japan, North America and Europe has or can offer at easily half of the price.
Wow, what a big bang way to enter a world stage party.
But after, maybe a decade now or maybe a little less than a decade. And after this flashy coming out party for these Chinese HiFi brands. . .what are consumers current sentiment?
Across different internet channels (including ASR) I have noticed an uptick of "complaints" if you will. They largely revolve around (1) reliability (2) local support/customer service (3) aesthetics/industrial design not to international markets' taste. Though (3) is tricky, because beauty is in the eye of the beholder and not everyone cares.
What are your sentiments on Chinese HiFi brands after the hype? Before you answer, keep in mind if you want more, such as (1), (2) and (3) above, the price will increase, potentially to the levels of Japanese, North American and European brands.