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Affordable Accuracy Monitor Review

Thank you for your post. Today I bought two second hand AVRs: Yamaha RX-V1200 and Yamaha RX-V659.

I'm going to see how they do and then decide which one to keep.
Good call, I suspect you'll find either does a fine job.
I would recommend adding a sub when funds allow ... both from the perspective of filling out the bass and unloading the demand from the 4" drivers.
However, the stock Pioneer is probably the best sound available at the price and the same can be said about them after Dennis mods them.
Happily either of the AVR's you are considering will do a fine job of High Passing the mains when you add a sub, so it will be an easy upgrade when the time comes.
Also, I guess I should note that the budget subs I recommended are not really subwoofers at all. I call them subs because that is what the market calls them (they also call it a subwoofer when they add a 4" "subwoofer" to 2" speakers for a PC speaker system). The reality is that for a budget "subwoofer", you are ideally getting a good woofer module aka "mid-bass-module" to fill out the mainstream music bass which goes down to the mid-30Hz region. Less than ideal, you are getting a crappy bass module that either attempts to play too low and/or is tuned to output high SPL at the port tuning frequency with no attention to maintaining linear frequency response resulting in boomy bass. You can actually get away with this strictly for Home Theater (not music) because we generally don't have any memory of the accurate sound of a dinosaur stomp and the added SPL is simply fun! However, it can ruin music!
On this count, when/if you can afford it, I can comfortably recommend the Dayton Audio SUB1200 ($150 shipped). They do a great job of filling out the bass in a linear fashion, but even when you hook them up in a HT for LFE they do not embarrass themselves. They won't reproduce the 20Hz content, but they have well designed limiters to avoid mechanical slapping sounds, etc. I set my GF up with a pair of the SUB1200's and played the introduction of "Live, Die, Repeat" on them (a strong 16Hz signal) and they certainly do not sound like my dual Outlaw X-13 Ultras, but they made some impressive rumble without shitting all over themselves and I consider that ability to cope with an "overload" situation the mark of a very well designed sub (or mid bass module) given the price of $150 (shipped)!
Good luck with your audio journey, and, most importantly, enjoy the music!
Hello Mr. Murphy,

New to the forum here, but I was wondering if you have any more of the AAM's available? I'm listening to BS22LRs right now, wishing to hear your modded version. Highly interested if you have any!

I debated ordering a few more of the stock Pioneer units to mod while I'm waiting for the A+ kit to arrive in a couple of weeks, but I couldn't find any good deals. I have to be able to source these things really cheaply to make the $200 mod price work. Around $89 is about tops.
I picked up a pair of new, in the box, Pioneer BS22 for $99 on Ebay a couple of weeks ago. They sound pretty nice for computer desktop speakers. I will probably modify them also: https://audiokarma.org/forums/index...-pioneer-sp-bs22-lr-diy-modifications.610820/

I had never seen a capacitive voltage divider used in a speaker crossover network before, but it makes sense. I had only seem them on used in ADC, DAC & AFE ICs.
Not on my computer. More like
  • $230.78
I did find some for $79 and I ordered 3 pairs. They won't be here for 10 days or so. I'll whip those together and then it's on to the AA+.

They actually arrived today, so i could take a couple of orders for shipping sometime next week.
I picked up a pair of new, in the box, Pioneer BS22 for $99 on Ebay a couple of weeks ago. They sound pretty nice for computer desktop speakers. I will probably modify them also: https://audiokarma.org/forums/index...-pioneer-sp-bs22-lr-diy-modifications.610820/

I had never seen a capacitive voltage divider used in a speaker crossover network before, but it makes sense. I had only seem them on used in ADC, DAC & AFE ICs.

Sometimes that's the best way to bring down a rising response at the very top without messing up the response below the problem area. Other times a little series inductor works better at the end of the tweeter series circuit. And sometimes a simple L-pad works fine.
Not on my computer. More like
  • $230.78
I did find some for $79 and I ordered 3 pairs. They won't be here for 10 days or so. I'll whip those together and then it's on to the AA+.

Same here, but you have to look at the sellers. Sometimes there are multiple sellers for an item. If you look below the price on the right side, then you see Dealparade has them for $74. Unfortunately they are sold out. The Atmos version is $134.
.... If you look below the price on the right side, then you see Dealparade has them for $74. Unfortunately they are sold out.....

I bought mine from "dealparade" on ebay for $99 at the end of Dec. 2020. The price seems to vary over time. He had 100 pair for sale at one time.
Can anyone share what's the bare minimum you'd go for amplification for this? This is my first set of speakers and I feel really clueless. I understand these are 83 dB so really inefficient, but I'm not sure what's going to be good enough for a living room.
I've seen answers ranging from Loxjie A30 to Crown XL1502. Some people say any old AVR is going to do and some say neither of them will.
Any advice? These are also going to be hooked up to a TV with TOSLINK so I'd rather have something that has a DAC for that but I can separate them if need be.

The Crown is overkill, but would work exceptionally well.

I use a 2502 with my AAM's and it's a hell of a combo. I did end up smoking one of the mids which Dennis replaced for free...no questions asked.

Then center is still available for cheap.

@Dennis Murphy any chance of brining back a matching center to the AAM?
I don't see any way to do that, although it certainly makes sense. The obvious candidate is the C22 mod. But I'm not willing to spend my remaining days and nights soldering crossover boards for minimum wage. The alternative is to have Bennic build the boards, like I've arranged for the soon-to-be-unleashed AA+ monitor. But--I don't have any confidence that I would sell enough centers to justify the minimum order, and in any event that little center speaker with the cramped innards doesn't lend itself to a kit approach very well. The final alternative, which I will officially pose now, is to solicit suggestions for a current commercial center channel, preferably black, that is basically neutral and lists for, say, $250 or less. (I might also suggest using an AA+ vertically or horizontally, but the BR-1 cabinets are only shipped in pairs.)
The final alternative, which I will officially pose now, is to solicit suggestions for a current commercial center channel, preferably black, that is basically neutral and lists for, say, $250 or less. (I might also suggest using an AA+ vertically or horizontally, but the BR-1 cabinets are only shipped in pairs.)

Are you looking for a commercial center to recommend as-is, or one that could use a little Dennis Murphy magic in the crossover? I haven't heard this, but I like the idea of 3-way center channels. I believe it has good reviews.
KEF sells a Q150 as a single unit on accessories4less.com. As of today it is there for $199. I use the Q100 at home for now, and it works fine on its side since it is a concentric driver. Of course, you can also buy a pair of KEF Q150 for about $300 now and have everything match.
Are you looking for a commercial center to recommend as-is, or one that could use a little Dennis Murphy magic in the crossover? I haven't heard this, but I like the idea of 3-way center channels. I believe it has good reviews.

Thanks for the suggestion. I would have to see whether the "+" revision remedied the problem with the original B1 I tested, which was a lack of adequate baffle step compensation that might also have plagued the first version of the center channel.
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