That concludes what we already know...that you don't have to look at just the preference score to understand which speaker is more preferred. The spinorama shows us the character of the speaker.
Speaker A: Edifier R1280t. Preference Score 1.9. Costs $100
Speaker B: Mackie CR3-X. Preference Score 2.3. Costs $80
Speaker C: Neumi BS5P. Preference Score 4.2. Costs $130
Speaker D: Presonus Eris 3.5. Preference Score 1.5. Costs $100
I agree with Speaker C. That's the only one I would buy.
Speaker C, is Neumi BS5P, only costs $30 (the cost of a dinner) more than the rest of the options.
As I've done with passive speakers, where I've removed recommendations below a certain preference score (of 3.0), doing the same for actives shows us that the only speaker that should be recommended is the Neumi BS5P.
Looking at both the well-designed spinorama graph and the high preference score of Neumi BS5P, tells me that it should be the only speaker recommended below US$150/pair price point.
With that, I'm about to remove the Edifier R1280t, Mackie CR3-X, and Presonus Eris 3.5 from the recommended list, since they fall below preference score of 3.0.
If you think otherwise, please let me know of your reason.