maybe it's limburger cheese?Come on - I am obviously dense; please explain.
By the way - I like cheese!
maybe it's limburger cheese?Come on - I am obviously dense; please explain.
By the way - I like cheese!
Or the poor cat, had no notion of colour prejudice, didn't know, nor cared it was black.
Come on - - - someone *** anyone… please - - - I implore you!!! Explain the obviously incredible humor in this joke/illustration/cartoon??Come on - I am obviously dense; please explain.
By the way - I like cheese!
I'll take the bait...Come on - - - someone *** anyone… please - - - I implore you!!! Explain the obviously incredible humor in this joke/illustration/cartoon??
I am beginning to think my ‘funny-bone’ is broken; at least malfunctioning! Help me! I just don’t get it!!!