Yeah I think is that, I just short the + on the + and the - on the -, I think it's a "bridge". For have one outYou mean : can we set a BTL Stereo 3E Module so we can use it in PBTL ?
Yeah I think is that, I just short the + on the + and the - on the -, I think it's a "bridge". For have one outYou mean : can we set a BTL Stereo 3E Module so we can use it in PBTL ?
I recommend you to wait that 3e audio answers. Normally in these amps the short is done before the output filter.Yeah I think is that, I just short the + on the + and the - on the -, I think it's a "bridge". For have one out
it may work but not guarantee,that is why a dedicated PBTL config is used.Hi, I have a other question, one the amp of 3E audio, can I short circuit theses two out for create a one out amp, and with I will power my ways system in parralele, so I will have a system with 2.66 Ohm .
Is it possible ?
Thanks for your may work but not guarantee,that is why a dedicated PBTL config is used.
Could you please help me with a couple of questions:3E Module :
3E AUDIO 260-2-29A PFFB Module Amplificateur stéréo
Le module 3E Audio PFFB est un amplificateur Class D performant pouvant fonctionner en mode stéréo (BTL) ou mono (PBTL). Il se base sur l'utilisation de puces d'amplification
LLC/PFC / Soft Start PSU :
If you want to check my APX555 Meausurements for this combo :
"Bamboo V2" project. 3E Audio 260-2-29A Stéréo Rev. B (OPA1656) + PFC/LLC PSU. APx555 Measurements )
Hi amigos, Before starting, I suspended the measurements of the first project "Micro Bamboo." I will come back to the quick measurements at the end of May finally, I still have to speak with Sami about his Micro Audio PSU... am focusing on this thread only on the measures of the "Bamboo V2"
Thank you.@rbg not sure i fully understand you Q1 but here are my suggestion:
- normally just add ON/OFF control AC input to the SMPS,i do think this is the simplest, like we did on the ASR measurement sample
- correct. no need connection on J5 unless you want more feature control the amp.
Thank you.
so here a couple of things I combined from the psi manual. Form what I understand these PS_ON high and PS_ON low can control on/off on the psu. One thing is I always get confused with these digital high/low stuff: does this mean that I need to 5V from the standby to that PS_ON high to turn it ON? Similar, disconnect it and connect PS)ON low to the GND to switch it off? Or you don't need a connection it is a momentary connection 5V->PS_ON high will turn it on and GND->PS_ON low will shut it down?
What is the gain of the amp? Am I correct that the amp needs 3V to go to full power? I plan on using it with RME interface that can deliver a lot of Volts. I should probably make some sort of gain reduction L-pad or something. Do you have any suggestion what would be the bast way to lower the gain, so I would need something like 9V to drive it to full power?@rbg not sure i fully understand you Q1 but here are my suggestion:
- normally just add ON/OFF control AC input to the SMPS,i do think this is the simplest, like we did on the ASR measurement sample
- correct. no need connection on J5 unless you want more feature control the amp.
If you mean the RME ADI devices, then you don't need to build anything. You can adjust the output voltage over a wide range.What is the gain of the amp? Am I correct that the amp needs 3V to go to full power? I plan on using it with RME interface that can deliver a lot of Volts. I should probably make some sort of gain reduction L-pad or something. Do you have any suggestion what would be the bast way to lower the gain, so I would need something like 9V to drive it to full power?
Hello S=klogW:,UAN,
I replaced the two Rin (200ohm)and the two Rf (1240 ohm) around the OPA1612s with new Rin =300ohm and new Rf = 1000ohm (used 1% 50ppm MELF 0204 resistors). Also the 4.7nF capacitor that's in parallel with the Rf need to be changed to 5.6nF, c0g(np0) MLCC capacitor to maintain the original filter bandwidth.
I am ready to fire it up. One quick question. LOF550-20Bxx-C Series has Vo+ and Vo-, do I connect Vo+ to PVDD and Vo- to the GND on the amp board? I assume that that PSU is single rail, so I am not sure why they marked it as + and -.
can you show a diagram how is your connection?Guys, I need your kine help: I'm trying to assemble my first ampli using the 3e AUDIO 260-2-29A modified to accept SE input signal. I'm an absolute beginner in this matter and I tried to get as much infos as I could. I tested the board with a cheap LDAC using my phone as a source and it sounded great. Then, since I took the chance to grab a 100k logarithmic pot by EIZZ at a very good price, I connected it between the LDAC and the ampli input. Well with great surprise and disappointment was terribly bad with the sound level constantly low all along the swipe and getting to max at the last two steps of the pot! The pot pins are marked as "IN-OUT-GND". I connected the LDAC output to "IN" and the ampli input to "OUT".
I replaced the EIZZ with a cheap linear pot getting a decently gradual regulation of the volume.
Can't believe I'll have to get rid of the EIZZ for a cheap linear pot!
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you for responding. Here a sketch of the connection. Home it help. I even tried swapping the connections on the pot with no change.can you show a diagram how is your connection?