Anyway, that's not why I came here. I think this is a nice choice, @totaldominasian I, myself, wouldn't go for B&W until they make it more flat frequency response and in that sense, I wonder how come you chose between very accurate and audibly not really accurate? What is your real preference?
Another thing is, these amp ratings in active speakers keep confusing me. Genelec you mention has 1000 watts. There's a 150 watts for the tweeter... OTOH we have thousand of posts on how you don't benefit from idle power and how even headroom is completely covered by a good, solid 150 w per channel into 8 ohms...
How come this Genelec needs 1kW and I'm more than covered by a 100?
It could be as easy re-using modules. It might be cheaper / logistically cheaper for them to use an existing 100W module than develop a smaller one.