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$20-25k budget. Currently eyeing Genelec 8361A, KEF Blade One Meta, and the B&W 801D4.

Dec 17, 2023
Looking to buy some nice speakers and I've been eyeing the used market. It seems that all of these options are in my budget if I'm willing to go used. I don't have any places near me to demo them, but I was curious if anyone's been able to compare these options previously. The wallet certainly says Genelec 8361A considering they're less than half the cost of the other 2 options. I definitely appreciate the aesthetics of the Blade One Metas and the B&W 801D4 more and was curious if there's also a big aural difference.

Musical genres I tend to listen to the most are techno, edm, pop, and R&B. Would greatly appreciate any input on this!
Two Genelec 8361As + two 7380A 15-inch/800 watt subwoofers + stands + GLM system still < Blades?

Don't forget Genelec has the 123_ series of monitors, if you need even more SPL. Even in the US, most of these models are less than $10K ea, with big amps built-in. When I look at "high-end audio", big Genelecs are actually a screaming deal, especially with the DSP integration, or so it seems, in the 25th year of the 21st century. Yeah, the subwoofers are pricey... :cool:
If you want something nice looking and performant I'd get the KEF without hesitation. If you don't mind a more industrial look, consider the Genelec. They were built for non domestic environments so they will need a stand of some sort. I'd avoid the B&W, they have unfortunately fallen far behind the state of the art in audio reproduction, although they look nice.

As pointed out above, from the standpoint of quality/support/technology, nobody touches Genelec, but their speakers are not quite as cheerful in appearance.

Consider D&D 8c as well though.
For passive speakers, I'd go with the Blade 1 Metas and avoid the B&W. For the Genelec, I'd add a sub to compare to the KEF.

With your budget, a full Sigberg Manta/dual 10D system is another option.

Looking to buy some nice speakers and I've been eyeing the used market. It seems that all of these options are in my budget if I'm willing to go used. I don't have any places near me to demo them, but I was curious if anyone's been able to compare these options previously. The wallet certainly says Genelec 8361A considering they're less than half the cost of the other 2 options. I definitely appreciate the aesthetics of the Blade One Metas and the B&W 801D4 more and was curious if there's also a big aural difference.

Musical genres I tend to listen to the most are techno, edm, pop, and R&B. Would greatly appreciate any input on this!
Blades are best in this lineup, but you will still need sub(s).
My vote goes to the KEF Blades.
Are you looking at used? The 801D4 runs about $42,000 a pair and the Blade 1 Meta $35,000 a pair. I'd add the Revel 328be for consideration.

Edit: sorry no idea how I missed the obvious. Guess I focused on the models.

Looking to buy some nice speakers and I've been eyeing the used market. It seems that all of these options are in my budget if I'm willing to go used.
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Without more details about your setup (room, listening distance, do you want subs, etc), you're just going to end up with a list of speakers that cost between $20-25k as opposed to useful recommendations.

All you've really given is a few genres of preference. As far as Genelec goes, those genres (techno, EDM, maybe R&B) may better align with the S360 than the 8361.
Either the Blades or Genelecs will do really well for you... I think you could argue the Blades are slightly better based on the data, and they certainly look nicer in some rooms. However, they're passive so you'll need to spend another $1K+ on amps as well.

Good options to have. Also agree that at this level you will want subs to 1) fill nulls and 2) fill in the last half of the bottom octave. Going without subs would almost be like getting a fine wagyu steak and forgetting to put salt on it. :)

Agree with the rest of the thread that the B&Ws are sadly hard to recommend against these two options, B&W has opted for a very carefully crafted and significant deviation from a neutral (or depending on who you ask, even technically defensible) tuning.
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All good choices except the B&Ws, imo. With the Genelecs you can’t go wrong. I’d also look at the Revel models suggested and these three Philharmonic Audio offerings. You’ll save a lot with either Revel or Philharmonic. The Philharmonics are gorgeous and offered in multiple finishes. The Philharmonic and Revel speakers compete well with $25k pairs, see the objective data and trusted subjective reviews. Best wishes with your journey!

1. Philharmonics Audio Passive Monitors:
TweeterRAAL 64-10X OEM
MidrangeBalanced Mode Radiator 2.5"
Woofer6" Ceramic
Frequency Response36 Hz - 20kHz (+ / - 2db) Anechoic
Sensitivity86.5 dB (2.83v/1M)
Box AlignmentBass Reflex
Dimensions20" H x 8" W x 12-1/2" D
Weight / Shipping Weight32 lbs each / 39 lbs each
Impedance4 Ohms
GrillMagnetic Grills
Finish12 Layers True Piano Finish / Premium Satin

. <- Erin’s review

2. Philharmonics Audio Passive Towers:
CabinetMirror Ebony, Mirror Rosewood, or Satin Walnut
TweeterRAAL 64-10X OEM
MidrangeBalanced Mode Radiator 2.5"
WooferScanSpeak Revelator 8"
Frequency Response 25 Hz - 20kHz (+ 1.5 / - 3db) Anechoic
Sensitivity86 dB (2.83v/1M)
Box AlignmentMass Loaded Transmission Line
Dimensions44" H x 12" W x 15-1/2" D
Weight/Shipping Weight72 lbs / 135 lbs
Impedance6 Ohms
CrossoverLinkwitz-Riley 2nd Order Acoustic at 850 Hz,
Linkwitz-Riley 4th Order Acoustic at 3,800 Hz

<- Audioholics Review

Philharmonics Audio Passive HT Towers:
TweeterProprietary Air Motion Transformer (AMT)
MidrangeBalanced Mode Radiator
WooferDual Purifi 6.5" OEM
Frequency Response38 Hz - 20kHz (+ 1.5 / - 3db) Anechoic
Sensitivity90 dB (2.83v/1M)
Box AlignmentMass Loaded Transmission Line
Dimensions42.3" H x 8.5" W x 11" D
Weight55 lbs
Impedance4 Ohms (4 Ohms minimum, 10 Ohms Maximum
CrossoverLinkwitz-Riley 2nd Order Acoustic at 700 Hz,
Linkwitz-Riley 4th Order Acoustic at 3,800 Hz

Philharmonics Audio, Full line up: https://philharmonicaudio.com/collections/loudspeakers
Just wondering somebody can place KEF and B&W in one sentence? And also mentioning Genelec at the first instance?
However and as many said, go with KEF or Genelec.
Would be tough to go wrong with the Blades. Not a huge fan of Genelec, though they are decent (heresy here on ASR to say such things :cool:)

In addition to the Blades, I highly recommend D&D 8C (you may also want to reach out to @Martijn Mensink and check on status of the larger D&D model, might be in your budget). And while measurements are minimal, another of my favorites is the Legacy Aeris. As already mentioned, used pair of Salon 2s something to consider. And while I have never auditioned, I have no doubt the Sigberg offerings are superb based upon the design attributes and measurements published here on ASR. Finally, if you have any interest in a custom bespoke solution, certainly consider Soundfield.
My personal choice would be the D&D 8C, and pocket the extra 5 grand.

Either that or the Genelec 1237A. Doesn't look particularly amazing and it is huge but they sound great. Not far off the also very good KH420.
My personal choice would be the D&D 8C, and pocket the extra 5 grand.

Either that or the Genelec 1237A. Doesn't look particularly amazing and it is huge but they sound great. Not far off the also very good KH420.
How would you characterize the difference between KH420 and 1237A?
And what's about the 1238A vs 1237A?
I'd definitively add Perlistens S7t or R7t with the later being a better deal.

Then there are these new Arendal 1528 towers (approx $10k pair) that are getting lots of attention lately. Not recommending as have not heard them, just sharing info.

And agree that subs are important - and expensive.
I have the 8c. From this list I heard the KEF Blade speakers, which I found amazing and maybe better then the 8c. Though you need a bigger listening room and proper treatment.

What kind of room do you have?
A ton of votes for the KEF Blades! The room they'll be going into is roughly 21'x14' and the listening distance will be about 18-19' back. Currently no room treatment as I just moved into this new place, but I may be moving again in another 2-3 years so I don't know how much room treatment modifications I want to invest in.

I was torn between Genelecs and the KEF Blades, but I think you guys swung me over to the KEF. What do you guys recommend to power them with? I'm needing something that can run Spotify off my iPad/iPhone. Maybe even my turntable. I'd like to eventually get a dedicated subwoofer down the road after I move into a house and maybe also connect to a TV.
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