
  1. A

    Wondom Jab5 4 Channel Double Tda7498E DSP Integrated Amplifier Bi-amp Aptx-HD Fir Crossover

    Hello everyone,in this video: I got a four-channel amplifier from Wondom for review on two TDA7498E microcircuits and with a built-in adau1701 dsp module with a maximum sampling frequency of 48000khz 24bit. The amplifier has many options for connecting and transmitting a signal to it.The...
  2. O

    10 X 50W USB Codec Input Audio Amplifier Board - GAB8

    https://store.sure-electronics.com/product/799 I'm curious if anyone has any experience or thoughts on this. I had looked into their other 8x50w version, and this one seems similar but couldn't confirm the sound card chip. I believe it reformats everything to 48khz/16bit which would be a...
  3. R

    Ideas for DIY multiroom streaming (+ main system TV/Movie playback) on a budget

    To set the scene... around 20 years ago I was listening to FLACs ripped from my own CD collection on a Logitech Squeezebox -> Musical Fidelity X-DACV3 -> Audio Alchemy DLC -> Cambridge Audio SA200 -> Mission 752. Our TV was also connected to the DLC so one could have TV/Movie sound on this...
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    wondom vs dayton audio

    Hi I am building a speaker at home again but this time I want to go more complex and digital. I am looking at 2 different amps and I can't tell if they just are the same even though the prices are very different. So I am here to ask if anyone can help by telling me the differences between...
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