
  1. PaperBoat

    Fabfilter Pro MB as DSP?

    Anyone here using this professional tool as a DSP in consumer environment?
  2. L

    Why "audiophiles" don't use VSTs?

    Why "audiophiles" don't use VSTs? Concept is pretty clear - you would get objectively saying the most precise amp, speaker - entire audio rig - and then colorize signal digitally at source (well, you could route analog signal to the actual analog rig, but plugins mimic analog rigs so well...
  3. Eidie

    Pc requirements for room correction plugins

    Hello everybody! Whilst not new to the pursuit of fine audio reproduction I have had a hiatus and things have moved on. Current system: RME ADI-2 dac fs Denon avr (soon to be replaced with March P451 monoblocks) Theophany Psuche speakers (please don’t look at their website. It may make your...
  4. pkane

    Asking for input on a VST Harmonic Distortion plugin

    Hey folks, asking for your feedback in an informal poll. If you know about my DISTORT software (https://distortaudio.org) you know that it allows an arbitrary harmonic distortion to be constructed and applied to any test signal or a music track of your choice. Some have used this capability...
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